"I'm worried." Grace glanced over at Aspen.
"Why?" Grace asked.
"Four champions, two being from Hogwarts. I feel like something bad will happen to one of them." Reese looked at Grace, then to the journal.
"I'm sure it will be fine Aspen." Grace reassured.
"And if it's not?"
"You're crazy." Reese told her.
"I am not!"
"I have to talk to Grace, we'll meet you in the Great Hall." Reese grabbed Grace's wrist and pulled her into an empty classroom.
"The spell."
"Grace, she's right. Something bad could happen. I mean two Hogwarts champions? One of them being Harry Potter? You know it, we all know it, something isn't right."
"I'd have to tell Cedric too! Besides, we aren't even sure the spell works."
"We have to try! What if something goes wrong do you want to live your whole life knowing you could've stopped it?" Grace hesitated.
"You're right." She finally said.
"When should we do it?"
"Tonight, we'll get Ashton too."
"You really want to?"
"It's not that I want to do it. I have to do it. You're right, if something goes wrong I don't want to live my whole life knowing I could've changed it."
They told Ashton and Aspen. They were just hoping Aspen could convince Cedric.
That night Grace and Reese put on their robes and used Grace's spell to sneak out. They walked around until the spell began to ware off. They then entered the classroom.
Ashton, Aspen, and Cedric were all there. All them wondering why they were there.
"Alright, all of you sit." Reese went to sit down, but Grace pulled her back. "You stay with me." Grace said. She then looked at the other three.
"This journal, it does the exact same thing as my other one. It holds spells. Spells that I've created myself."
"Do any of them work?" Ashton asked.
"Serval, but not the point. It's been brought to my attention that something bad could happen since there is two Hogwarts Champions. One being Harry Potter."
"Never thought of that." Cedric mumbled. Grace opened the bronze journal and muttered the password. The spells began to fill the pages. Grace slipped to a certain page and handed it to Aspen. The two boys peered over her shoulder.
"It's Finis Extricate." Grace said.
"I'm confused, what does it do?" Aspen asked. Grace grabbed the journal back.
"You make it with someone you care about. Either if they're a friend, a sibling, a significant other. It's like the Unbreakable Vow, but you can't control if you break it."
Tension and curiosity clouded the room. It hung in the air and clung to everyone as they awaited Grace's next words.
"You make it with that person. If either of you are killed a neon green light appears around the others wrist. It's loose at first, you don't feel it. The closer they get to death the tighter it gets. If it snaps, it's over. Basically, the person has to really really want that person back. You'd have to ignore everything around you and concentrate on that person. Imagine them being with you right then and there. Imagine your life without them. How hard would it be? Even in the strongest cases it might not work. You'll know it works if it just fades. If it just shimmers away it works."
"What about the other champions?" Cedric asked.
"We're just doing this because there's two Hogwarts champions." Cedric looked like he wanted to object, but the pleading look Aspen had kept him from it.
"A-alright, I'll do it." He turned to Aspen.
"I'll do it too." She said.
"Stand up." Grace instructed. Aspen and Cedric did as told.
"Left or right?" Grace asked.
"Right." They both said. Grace nodded.
"Grab each other's right arms." They did as instructed. Grace grabbed her wand and walked up to the two.
"Ready?" Grace asked.
Aspen and Cedric looked at each other and nodded.
"Finis Extricate." Grace mumbled. She tapped the tip of her wand to Aspen's arm.
A neon green light snaked around Aspen's arm. Once it reached where Cedric's was it began to wrap around his. The light, which acted like a rope, tightened a little. The light began to shrink until it just snaked around their wrists. Finally, it tightened all the way and faded away.
"Is it done?" Aspen asked.
"Yes." Grace replied. The two let go of each other's arm and just stared at their wrists.
"You made that yourself?" Cedric asked.
"I did." Grace replied.
"Neat." Aspen turned towards Grace. She walked up to her and gave her a small smile.
"Thank you." Aspen whispered.
"I hope nothing goes wrong, but if it does this will hopefully work." Grace said.
"How do we get back without getting caught? Snape almost saw me." Ashton said. Grace and Reese looked at each other.
"I think I have an idea." Grace responded.

Enchanted [Fred Weasley]
FanfictionGrace Kellner is a small Ravenclaw who's always seen carrying a certain journal. Most people assume it's a diary, but she knows it's not. It's a book full of ideas. Ideas that seem impossible. Fred and George Weasley become interested in the book wh...