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Grace lay on the floor, groaning in pain. Bellatrix tormented Neville as Death Eaters still tried to get Harry to hand the prophecy over. Grace entered the room only to be punched in the face by a Death Eater that had lost his wand. Her nose was broken as she bled all over. When six other people entered the room, Grace was in shock to see one of them was Florence. The woman had a small baby bump.

Florence appeared by Grace's side and quickly fixed her nose. Grace gave a quick help of pain.

"Florence, what are you doing here?" Grace asked, rubbing her hand over her nose.

"Helping!" Florence cried, quickly deflecting a Death Eaters spell.

"Stupefy!" Grace yelled, hitting the Death Eater.

"Nice one!" Florence said.

"Florence, you're pregnant! You shouldn't be here!" Grace argued. Florence rolled her eyes.

"You sound exactly like my husband! But you guys needed help and that's what I'm here to do." Florence's friend Catalina ran up to them.

"Flo, it's Naomi!" Catalina cried. Florence's mocking look disappeared and was replaced by anger.

"You know Naomi?" Grace asked.

"We went to school with her," Catalina informed. Florence ran away towards the other woman.  

• • •

"Naomi!" Florence shouted. The black haired woman turned around, recognizing the voice.

"Florence, how nice to see you! Oh, will you look at that! A mini Florence!" Naomi cried, pointing at Florence's small baby bump.

"What happened to you?" Florence asked.

"Nothing happened to me. I found what was right for me," Naomi stated. The two walked in a circle as they stared at each other. Both had their wands out.

"Becoming a Death Eater is what was right for you?" Florence sneered. Naomi shrugged and put on a fake smile.

"What can I say, something about it was just so......intriguing!"

"You're a monster," Florence uttered. Naomi clocked her tongue and shook her head.

"Oh Florence, we're the same." Florence laughed.

"How are we the same?" She asked.

"We both ruin people's lives. At least, you ruined mine. Our sixth year! You were a cruel, cruel person that year." Florence looked away, ashamed of what Naomi was talking about.

"I said things I should've, I know that. But no one has died because of me!"

"Oh not yet, but you want to kill me, don't you? You know I'm the reason Voldemort was aware of Grace's journals! I almost got them from her as well. Must admit, she's a tough girl. Even the Cruciatus Curse wasn't enough!" Florence was shocked.

"You hit her with that?" Florence asked.

"Of course I did!" Florence shook her head.

"Don't worry Naomi, I'm not going to kill you. That will be Voldemort's job after he finds out how disappointing you are. STUPEFY!"

When Florence turned around, she began to wish Naomi had killed her. Her confident smile disappeared and a look of horror took its place. The jet of red light struck Sirius in the chest. A neon green light quickly appeared on Florence's wrist.

"SIRIUS!" She screamed, sprinting towards the dais.  Sirius' eyes seemed to look at Florence for the last time. No matter how fast she ran, she wasn't fast enough. Sirius fell through the veil. The band around the woman's wrist immediately tightened and broke. Catalina ran to grab Florence, but she didn't have to. Once the band broke, Florence collapsed to the ground.

Another scream escaped Florence. This one wasn't a scream of fear, but instead a scream of grief. The scream was filled with so much agony it would've caused the happiest person to break down and sob. It was filled with so much pain the strongest person would've crumbled. It send shivers down everyone's spine.

Florence doubled over, her eyes squeezed shut as sobs shook her body. Tears streamed down her face as the woman wept. Catalina bent down in front of Florence and took the woman in her arms. Florence gripped Catalina's shirt.

"Florence, I-I know it hurts. But you need to try and calm down! You need to try for your baby!" Catalina insisted, but she knew it wasn't going to work. She knew it was a waste. How could a woman who just watched her husband die calm down? Florence kept sobbing. She tried to say something, but she was in so much pain she couldn't say anything. The ring on Florence's finger seemed to weigh a million pounds. Her life had just been ripped apart. Her husband was gone.

Grace stared at the veil. Florence's cries echoing in her mind. It should've worked. The spell should've worked. Sirius should be hugging Florence right now after his brush with death. He's not supposed to be dead. This isn't right. The spell should've worked. It was cast with someone he loved and someone who loved him. Florence didn't even have a chance to save him. Sirius Black was dead.

The End

I know! This is a terrible way to end a book, but it's exactly where it needs to end because it's sets it up perfectly for the next book. Yes, there's a sequel. If I ended it here then I really would be a monster! I'll post another part on here when it's released. For now, that's it for Enchanted.

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