Grace awoke on Christmas morning bright and early. The snow fell lightly in small flakes. Grace wrapped a blanket around her shoulders and made her way downstairs.
Grace assumed she'd be the first one up, but she found her aunt sitting at the table drinking tea.
"Oh, hello." Grace greeted.
"Early riser?" Emily asked her.
"Just like your mother." Grace smiled and sat down across from Emily.
"People say that a lot."
"That I'm just like my mother."
"Well, you certainly do look like her."
"Yeah, I guess."
"So tell me, who were those friends of yours when you got off the train?"
"Oh, well the other Ravenclaw is Reese. The only boy was Ashton then the other one was Aspen."
"What are they like?"
"Reese, well she is kind of like the twins. She enjoys pranking and joking around. But she doesn't really understand what personal space is. I mean the only way I can get away from her is the library. She hardly goes in there! But she's Reese, and I love her."
"What about Aspen?"
"Aspen is the Hufflepuff. She's very kind and trustworthy. I could tell her anything and she wouldn't tell anyone. She can be scary when she's mad though. Reese and twins threw an ink filled balloon at her, if I didn't stop her who knows what would've happened."
"And Ashton?"
"Well, Ashton is the Gryffindor. But he's not the bravest fellow out there. He's also kind of clueless, probably why he's not in Ravenclaw."
"And you've known them since your first year?"
"Well, I met Ashton towards the end of my first year. Aspen, well, we met during our second year. Reese and I met when we got sorted, and we've been best friends ever since. Even though we're complete opposites."
"Opposites attract."
"Yeah, I guess they do."
"Oh, I have something for you!" Emily stood up and disappeared down the hall. She came back with a tiny blue box.
"Oh, you didn't have to get me anything!"
"Of course I did. It's not much, but I think you'll like it."
Grace took the box and removed the lid. Inside was a silver necklace with an infinity sign attached.
"It was your mothers. Before she...passed, she gave it to me. She said, 'Emily, when you see Grace again, years from now, give this to her. Tell her how the infinity sign means no matter what happens to me, I'll love her forever. And when she grows and finds someone she loves, that necklace will show her love is infinite.' So I did, and I couldn't give it to you at her funeral, I wasn't ready. I think the time has come for you to have it." Emily smiled at Grace, who was wiping away tears.
"I don't know what to say, thank you." Grace got up and gave her aunt a hug.
"Here, I'll put it on."Emily took the necklace out of the box and put it around Grace's neck. She clipped the necklace and let it hang on Grace's neck.
Grace touched the infinity sign with her fingers, a smile on her face.
"Thank you, Emily."
After Emily and Grace finished eating breakfast, Ben finally awoke. He came downstairs and fixed himself some cereal.
"Happy Christmas." He greeted as he entered the kitchen.
The rest of the day was spent outside. The family went sledding on a nearby hill.
"Grace, did you know you could surf and sled?" Ben informed.
"You stand on the sled and ride down."
"Then you break your neck."
"No, I'm an expert. I'll be fine."
"Last time you said that you broke your leg." Emily mocked.
"Oh please, I meant to do that." Ben walked over and stood sideways on the sled. He hobbled forward and began his decent.
Ben made it a good fifteen feet before he lost his balance and fell over the side. He tumbled town the hill with the sled.
"No offense dad, but that's not how you sled." Grace teased when you came back.
"I'm just rusty."
"You're also old." Emily added.
After sledding, they had snowball fight. Which was a lot more easy for the adults since they could use magic.
At five, Ben went inside to start dinner. Emily and Grace stayed outside go make a few snowmen.
Half past six, they went in and changed into some warmer clothes. Then, the family sat at the table and ate dinner.
After dinner, the three sat in the family room to open presents.
"Alright, who's first?" Ben asked.
"Probably you." Grace remarked.
"Well, okay." Grace smiled and handed her present to her father. Inside was a picture frame, but instead of a picture it was the letter that got sent to Ben's parents about him possibly being expelled.
"I know how proud you were of that prank. So, I got it framed."
"Grace, this means so much to me. Thank you!" Ben cried. He got up and gave his daughter a big hug. He then have Grace a rather large box.
"This is heavy." Grace noted.
"Open it!" Ben said excitedly.
"Alright." Grace unwrapped the box and took of the lid. Inside were several dungbombs, hiccough sweets, belch powder, and nose-biting teacups.
"It's prank supplies!" Ben cheered.
"As much as I appreciate it, I don't prank."
"I was hoping Reese could teach you."
"Dad, if I show this to Reese, she'll probably destroy the school."
"Oh you'll be fine."

Enchanted [Fred Weasley]
FanfictionGrace Kellner is a small Ravenclaw who's always seen carrying a certain journal. Most people assume it's a diary, but she knows it's not. It's a book full of ideas. Ideas that seem impossible. Fred and George Weasley become interested in the book wh...