"She was so quick to leave." Grace thought as she lay in bed. The house was quiet and Grace was sure she was the only one awake. Grace got up and opened the curtains. The full moon allowed the light to peer in.
"Professor Lupin." She whispered. Grace sighed and fell back on to her bed. Grace knew she wouldn't be falling asleep any time soon considering she wasn't tired. Instead Grace slipped on her shoes. As quiet as she could, Grace snuck downstairs and walked out the backdoor.
She walked over to the shore of the lake. The summer breeze blew her hair back as she sat on the ground. Grace listened as the waves lapped on to shore.
Grace fiddled with the necklace as she stared at the lake. She took in a breath of fresh air and laid back. Grace looked at the night sky and pointed out stars and constellations.
"Who you talking to kiddo?" Grace jumped at her fathers voice.
"What are you doing out here?" Grace asked.
"I was about to ask you the same question." Ben sat down by his daughter.
"Couldn't sleep."
"Either could I. So, how was your school year?" Ben asked her.
"Fred and George loved those party packets?" Grace laughed.
"What about you and Lewis? One year!"
"Yeah, and counting."
"So, everything's okay?" Grace shrugged.
"At the beginning of the year we had a little.....argument, but we're all good now. None of my friends seem to like him though."
"Why not?" Grace shook her head.
"I don't know."
"Well, as long your happy. That's all that matters, right?"
"Grace Elizabeth Kellner, you listen to me right now. I know you would do anything as long as their happy. It's very sweet of you, but just remember you can't always put your happiness behind others."
"I've heard that so many times already." Grace said with a chuckle.
"Then you must know it's true."
"I just don't see what they have against him. He's done nothing to them."
"They probably have their reasons, but you know why they aren't sharing them to you?"
"They enjoy you being happy. I'm sure if you broke up with Lewis just to make your friends happy, they probably wouldn't be happy."
"But all of them did tell me I should dump him, then they just stopped."
"I bet they didn't want you to be the one to break your heart. So, as much as they don't like Lewis, they stopped talking."
"Guess so."
"You know, I don't believe you know why your mother and I made your middle name Elizabeth."
"That's completely off topic, but no, I don't."
"You know Aspens mother, Elizabeth?"
"Of course I do."
"In their seventh year when I asked your mother out, she said yes just so I'd stop asking her. Elizabeth and her made a bet. If Anna didn't like the date and didn't want another one, Elizabeth would either have to name her first born Anna or the middle name be Anna. It was the same way if Anna liked the date, which she did. So, Anna lost which meant you would either be named Elizabeth or your middle name. Your mother was ecstatic over the name Grace, so that's why your middle name is Elizabeth."
"My middle name comes from a bet? What a sentimental reason."
"Very sentimental! Now, I remember nothing from Astronomy so teach me your knowledge." Ben said as he laid back. Grace smiled and laid next to him.
"Alright, you see that star there?" Grace pointed out.
"Which one?"
"That one!"
"Which one Grace! There's millions of them!"
"Do you want to lean or not?"
"Okay, fine!"
"Pay attention!"
• • •
"So, that one right?"" Ben asked as he pointed to one of the stars. He received no reply. Ben sat up and looked at Grace who had fell asleep. Her right arm by her side as her left lay on her chest. Her chest rising and falling as she slept.
"Can't believe she fell asleep during a lesson, unbelievable." Ben mumbled. He stood up and carried Grace back to the house.
Ben carried her up the stairs and laid her on her bed. One she was tucked in Ben closed her curtains and began to leave.
"Sleep well, Grace." Ben whispered as he closed the door.

Enchanted [Fred Weasley]
FanfictionGrace Kellner is a small Ravenclaw who's always seen carrying a certain journal. Most people assume it's a diary, but she knows it's not. It's a book full of ideas. Ideas that seem impossible. Fred and George Weasley become interested in the book wh...