Grace Kellner is a small Ravenclaw who's always seen carrying a certain journal. Most people assume it's a diary, but she knows it's not. It's a book full of ideas. Ideas that seem impossible.
Fred and George Weasley become interested in the book wh...
"What did I tell you?" Reese argued as her and Grace walked down the corridor.
"Reese, please."
"Grace, are you defending him?"
"I'm not doing anything!"
"You just don't want to admit I'm right."
"Well, you aren't right. You said he'd get us in trouble. We had nothing to do with him and Ron flying a car."
"Fine, but-"
"Alright, I'm done talking."
"I'll see you later, I have to head to the library."
"You're using our free period to go to the library? Such a Ravenclaw."
"Such a Ravenclaw." Grace mocked as she walked away from Reese. Once out of sight she took out the journal and unlocked it.
Grace sat down at an unoccupied table and set down the journal. She flipped through the pages till she found one in particular.
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(A/N) I tried
Grace studied the page with her eyebrows furrowed. She had the spell, but she just couldn't do it.
"Indiscerniblous." Grace muttered as she moved her wand in a circle. Nothing. She tried again, but had the tip wand facing her. Sparks shot out of her wand. Grace squealed and dropped it. People around looked at her strangely.
"You know, you're not supposed to face the wand towards you." Percy Weasley told her.
"Quiet, Percy!"
"Shhhh!" Madam Pince cried as she walked past the two tables.
Even though she made a fool of herself, Grace was beyond happy. Her wand actually responded to her spell. Or it responded to Grace pointing the wand at herself, which was a no-no. Either way, Grace was a lot happier.
She spent the rest of her free period trying to get a the same response, but nothing.
At dinner, Grace seemed to be the only one in a good mood. Reese poked at her food with her fork, a frown on her face.
"What's up with you?" Grace asked her.
"I got detention." Reese grumbled.
"Detention? In the first week of school?"
"It wasn't even my fault!"
"Who's was it?"
"Those Weasley twins!" Reese spun around to glare at the two red heads. They looked up and smiled at Reese. In response, Reese slid her finger across her throat then pointed at them. Their faces whitened and they looked away.
Reese could be frightening if she wanted too. In their second year, Grace jokingly ate Reese's food. What happened next should not be talked about.
"I wonder how you're not in Slytherin. Seriously, you should be Slytherin or Gryffindor." Mentioned Grace.
"Well to be fair, I was a lot more innocent in our first year."
"Oh yes, people said you'd be one of the greatest Ravenclaws of our seven years the way you were."
"Guess even the sorting hat couldn't predict my later years."
"Have you told your mom about your detention?"
"No, I'll tell her about my next one. Detention in the first week? She'd kill me!"
"Just like you're going to kill the twins?" Reese laughed.
"I'm not going to kill them! I like them!"
"They got you detention."
"Exactly! I'm really mad, but I think it's hilarious how they got someone else detention. It's amazing!"
"Please do not befriend them."
"Reese, if you befriended those two this school would cease to exist."
"Yeah, you're right. I'm totally going to befriend them now!"
"Oh no."
"Thanks for the idea Grace! You really are an amazing friend!" With a smile on her face, Reese began shoving food into her mouth.
• • •
"Oh Grace, what have you done?" Aspen trembled after dinner.
"I didn't do anything! I never told her to befriend the twins!" Grace defended.
"Exactly, she does the opposite of what we tell her!" Ashton cried.
"So what if they end up becoming friends. It couldn't be too bad!"
"Well, the Weasley twins are the best pranksters in this school. Mixed with Reese's weird fetish of being a trouble maker..... right, we'll be fine." Aspen crossed her arms and sighed.
"What's the worst the could happen?"
"Let's see," Ashton tapped his chin as he spoke, "Reese teaches the twins her ways and they teach her their pranking ways and they then work together to becoming pranking legends. Yeah, that won't happen."
"You're right Ashton, it won't happen! Thanks for agreeing with me!"
"You're a hopeless cause." Sighed Aspen.
"Where is Reese?" Ashton asked looking around.
"She was right behind us after we left the Great Hall." Grace mentioned. Their eyes widened and they sprinted towards the last place they saw Reese.
Reese was walking down the corridor with Fred and George by her side.
"You're sure it's not a diary?" Fred asked.
"Diary? Oh Merlin no! She's always flipping pages, always adding something, and it's very protected. If it was a diary there'd be no need to protect it, her life isn't very interesting. Probably planning the greatest prank ever!" Reese beamed.
"She doesn't seem the pranking type." George noted.
"Exactly! She has to be up to something. Just imagine, it's out last year and Grace pulls the greatest prank of all time. None of your pranks will be important! Seven years of pranking gone to waste! Then all my trouble making deeds would be down the drain too!"
The twins glanced at each other and smiled. Reese seemed to have the two convinced of what was in the journals
"Welcome to the business Reese." They said simultaneously, each shaking one of her hands.
"Glad to be apart of the business fellas! May we bring a new meaning of pranks to Hogwarts."
"Hey Reese, think you could us a favor?" George asked.
"Well, you're friends with Grace and in the same house." Fred continued.
"You want me to get that book of hers?" They nodded. "Already on it."