"Ashton, come out of the stupid common room and come celebrate your birthday!" Reese cried.
"He can't hear you." Aspen replied.
"He should be up by now." Said Grace.
"He wasn't feeling well yesterday." Aspen said.
"He can't be sick on his birthday!" Reese shouted.
"That would suck." Grace mumbled. The portrait to the Gryffindor common room opened and out walked Ashton.
"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" The three girls shouted. Ashton sneezed and began to cough.
"Ew." Aspen remarked.
"Thanks Asp." Ashton remarked.
"Sorry." She apologized.
"Ashton, how are you feeling?" Grace asked.
"Not well, but I heard someone say there were three girls from different houses standing outside and I assumed it was you three." He replied. His voice was horse and when Grace put the back of her hand to his head it was extremely hot.
"Ashes, maybe you should go back to bed and just relax for the day." Reese instructed.
"I was actually on my way to the Hospital Wing, so sorry guys, but I'm not sure if we can celebrate my birthday."
"That's fine, we'll celebrate it another day." Aspen said.
"Thanks guys. I'll see you guys another day." The three stood there as Ashton walked off towards the Hospital Wing.
"Remember when I was sick on my birthday?" Reese whispered, "it sucked."
"Poor Ashes." Grace said.
"Well, the day is still young and I have to start my Defense Against the Dark Arts essay." Reese remarked.
"Oh! I'm going to go see if I can turn that in."
"Grace," Aspen started, "it's not due till next week." But Grace was already running off. She landed on a staircase right as it began to move.
"So? Professor Lupin said we can turn it early if we'd like to."
"She's the only one who will." Reese
told Aspen, who burst into laughter."I heard that Reese!" Grace shouted. Reese gave her an innocent smile.
As Grace approached Professor Lupins classroom she saw Professor Snape leave the classroom. Grace didn't pay much attention to it.
"Professor Lupin?" Grace asked, peeking into the class. The man looked up at the student.
"Grace, come in." Grace noticed how pale the man was.
"Are you alright?" She asked.
"I'm perfectly fine."
"That's what my friend Ashton said yesterday, now he's sick on his birthday."
"I thank you for your concern Miss Kellner, but I'm just fine. Now, is there anything I can help you with?"
"I'm just here to turn in my essay." Grace said as she pulled out the parchment.
"The easy isn't due for another week." Professor Lupin commented as he took the essay.
"I thought I'd get it done early." Grace said with a shrug.
"Well, thank you."
"I'll see you tomorrow,Professor."
• • •
"Shouldn't you be with your friend Ashton? It is his birthday, right?" Lewis asked Grace.
"He's sick."
"Oh, that would suck."
"Yeah, I'm sure it does."
"Did you hear about Sirius Black in Hogsmeade?" Grace nodded.
"I did hear about that. Someone told Reese and I that their mother went to school with Sirius. Apparently he was nice in school."
"People change."
"The mother believes Sirius was framed."
"The mother must be insane." Grace shrugged again.
"You never know."
"Don't tell me you believe he was framed?"
"I never said I did."
"My mother said he was a rude trouble maker. Him and Florence Anderson caused a lot of trouble as they got older."
"Florence Anderson?"
"What else did your mum say about her?"
"Apparently she was friends with your mother and was a runner."
"Were Florence and Sirius friends or something?" Lewis shrugged.
"No idea."
That night Grace lay in her bed as the wind howled outside. The full moon allowed light into the room. The other three Ravenclaws were all asleep by now. Grace lay there, her grey eyes looking around the room.
Within the past two days she's heard the name Florence Anderson from two students. Her suspicions about the girl were definitely growing. She couldn't wait till the holidays to ask her father about her.

Enchanted [Fred Weasley]
FanfictionGrace Kellner is a small Ravenclaw who's always seen carrying a certain journal. Most people assume it's a diary, but she knows it's not. It's a book full of ideas. Ideas that seem impossible. Fred and George Weasley become interested in the book wh...