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Grace tossed the unlocked journals on the table. It had been a couple weeks since Grace had learned the true fate of Emily. Now she faced the Order and was telling them her spells. Sirius took the bronze journal.

"What are these, story books?" He pondered. Florence snorted.

"Can you even read, darling?" Florence asked.

"I believe," Remus inquired, "that they're spell books."

"Spell books? This one isn't even finished!" Sirius cried. Grace glared at Sirius for a moment.

"It's an ongoing spell book and that one is almost done!" She responded.

"Do any of them work?" Sirius asked.

"Some." Grace mumbled.

"Sirius, shut up." Florence demanded, sensing Grace's discomfort.

"Grace's spells could help us." Dumbledore mentioned. Sirius looked up at Grace.

"Oh, these are yours?" Florence gave a loud sigh next to Sirius.

"Miss Kellner, please explain how you're the reason behind Cedric Diggory's 'mysterious' survival." Dumbledore implored.

The mood in the room changed. All adults looked at Grace with different expressions. Some didn't believe it while others appeared astonished. Grace reached across the table and took the bronze one. She flipped to the page and gave it to Remus to pass around.

"It's name is Finis Extricate. Finis means the end while extricate means free. I say it as free someone from the end, or save someone from death. I had the spell a couple years ago, but never knew if it would work. After all it's a difficult spell and not every spell I have works....yet. However, when the two Hogwarts Champions were announced my friend told me how worried she was. Worried that some awful thing would happen to one of them. I told her about the spell and made it with them."

"What happens when you make the spell?" Tonks asked.

"Well, like the Unbreakable Vow you grab each others arm. However, it has to be with someone you love. Either a a friend, a sibling, or a significant other. If you don't love them enough to possibly bring them back from death, it's useless. When made a neon green light snakes around your arm and tightens around your wrist, then it disappears. If one of them is killed the light reappears around the others wrist. It's loose at first, you most likely won't notice it. The closer they are to dying the tighter it gets. If it snaps it's over. That person is dead there's nothing you can do. If it fades they're fine. However, it only works once. Even if it faded and that person is saved the tie is still technically broken. Meaning either person is vulnerable to death again."

"So, this is what saved Cedric?" Arthur wondered aloud.

"Yes, it's what saved Cedric." Grace repeated.

"Amazing." Bill whispered.

"Feel free to try other ones out. My journals are open to the Order, but not for fun. Once you know them only use them if needed." Grace instructed.

"Do they have a password?" Remus asked. Grace gave a small nod.

"The blue one, to open it say 'my secret is now your promise.' It means I'm sharing my secret with you and you must promise to meet that secret." Everyone around the table nodded. "The bronze one is, 'if you can't trust yourself, you can't trust anyone else.' Basically if I can't trust myself with these spells, how would I trust anyone else?"

Grace stood up and began to leave the kitchen. Before she walked out she turned around and said one last thing to the Order.

"I'd like them back after the meeting please."

When Grace returned to her room she found Ginny sitting on her bed.

"Hello, Ginny."

"Grace, do you want to play Exploding Snap?" She asked.

Grace nodded and sat on Ginny's bed. Ginny got the game and returned to sitting on her bed.

"Hey Grace, do you know where that paper is we gave you?" George asked when he walked into the room.

"Open my trunk, its on the top left side." Grace instructed.

"Cool, thanks." George got the paper and left the room.

"How can you tell then apart? Even mum gets them confused." Ginny asked when George left. Grace smirked.

"Truth is, I guess most of the time. It's easier when they're together since they call each other by their names. Plus I've also noticed how when they come up and talk to me or anyone else they normally are always on the same side. George is normally on the right, Fred on the left." Ginny nodded.

"Both are still as dumb as broom handles."

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