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"Do you got your pranking supplies?" Ben asked once they arrived at the platform.

"Yes, I have them."

"Alright, see you when summer starts." Grace hugged her father goodbye.

"Stay in touch, Grace." Emily told her.

"I will."

"Good." Grace gave Emily a hug then ran to board the train.

Grace found her friends in their usual compartment. She entered and sat next to Reese.

"Grace, there you are," Aspen cried,"how was your Christmas?"

"Great, I had a lot of fun. What about yours?"

"The usual." All three of them said simultaneously.

The rest of the train ride the four talked about their gifts and what they did over the break. The fun ended when they returned to Hogwarts.

• • •

"At least there wasn't an attack during break." Aspen acknowledged as her and Grace walked to class.

"Yeah, that's good, but I feel like there might be one soon."

"Why do you say that?"

"There hasn't been an attack since that Collin boy, it makes me feel like one is approaching."

"Don't tell Reese that."

"I wouldn't dare."

Grace and Aspen walked into the charms classroom and took their seat.

"Do you know what we're learning today?" Grace whispered go Aspen.

"The Banishing Charm I believe."

"Good evening class, I hope you all enjoyed your holidays." Professor Flitwick greeted. "Now, today I'll be teaching you about the Banishing Charm."

"Told you." Aspen whispered.

"Does anyone know what the Banishing Charm does?" Grace raised her hand.

"Yes, Miss Kellner?"

"The Banishing Charm, or Depulso, pushes the target away."

"Very good! For example," Professor Flitwick aimed his wand at a cushion, "Depulso!" The cushion flew across the room.

"Just like that."

After practicing the wand movement, students each stood in front of a cushion.

"Now, try to get your cushion to fly across the room like mine." Professor Flitwick instructed.

"Depulso!" Students chanted, no ones cushion moved.

"Depulso!" Grace shouted with a sweep of her wand. The cushion moved a couple inches.

"Very good Grace, but try to more into the spell." Professor Flitwick told her.

"Depulso!" Grace shouted. The cushion shot across the room.

"Very good!"

By the end of the class period, only a few people managed to get the spell to work, including Grace.

After class, Aspen bid Grace goodbye to go practice the charm while Grace went to find Reese.

Grace ran to the common room, and Reese wasn't there. She checked the dormitories, but no Reese. She ran to Reese's last class, but she wasn't there either.

"Where could she be?" Grace asked herself.

After an hour of looking, Grace began to be worried. But she reassured herself that she'd see Reese. On her way back to the Ravenclaw tower,  she bumped into Fred.

"Oh hello Fred, where's your other half?"

"He's looking for Reese."

"You don't know where she is?"

"No, do you?"

"No! I was hoping she'd be with you two."


"This isn't good!"

"Do you have any idea where she could be?"

"No—wait a minute. She told me earlier that today after classes she had to go see Professor Snape!"

"But it's been an hour."

"Just come on!" Grace grabbed Fred's wrist and pulled him behind her. Grace pulled him all the way to the dungeons, but then let go.

"Reese!" Grace shouting, bursting into the room.

"Is she in there?" Fred asked as he approached the room. He got his answer when Grace let out a scream that rippled through the dungeons.

"What happene—bloody hell."

Upon hearing the scream, Snape rushed down the the classroom.

"What do you two think you're—," his eyes landed on Reese. "Both of you out, now!"

Grace didn't have to be told twice, she turned around and sprinted out of the dungeons.

Grace ran until the emotions became too much. She stopped in the middle of a corridor, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Grace?" Grace turned around as George ran up to her. "What happened to you?"

"Fred and I found Reese, she's been petrified!"

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