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"So, you don't even know his name?" Aspen asked.

"I didn't get to ask him before Ashton hollered at me."

"No! Now he might think you're dating Ashton!"

"I don't even have a crush on him so it wouldn't matter."

"You don't like him at all?"


"Not even a little."

"Not even a–"

"Grace!" Grace focused her attention on the person who called her name.

"Is that him?" Aspen whispered as the Slytherin ran up to them.

"Yeah." Grace whispered back.

"I was starting to believe you didn't have a crush, but now I know you do." Aspen winked and walked away.

"Your name is Grace, right?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's Grace Kellner." The boy held out his hand.

"Lewis Henderson."

"Pleasure to meet you Lewis." Grace replied, shaking his hand.

"Pleasure is all mine."

"I've never really seen you around before."

"We are in different houses."

"True." The two began to walk down the corridor.

"I've seen you around though."

"You have?"

"Yeah, mostly writing in the journal of yours."

"Oh, yeah."

"I've also seen you walking with that other Ravenclaw. Not lately though."

"I'm guessing you're talking about Reese?"

"Is that her name?"

"Yeah, she was actually petrified."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize, it's not your fault."

"What about that Gryffindor boy, is he your boyfriend?"

"I know several Gryffindor boys."

"The one you left with yesterday."

"Oh Ashton! No, no, no, we are not dating!" Lewis laughed.

"Okay, good to know. The girl you were with a few moments ago?"

"That's Aspen."

"Who are the other Gryffindor boys you know? I wanna know my competition." Lewis winked at Grace, whose face became scarlet.

"Well, there's Fred and George. They're just friends. Then there's William, he's just a first year who I know."

"So friends and a first year. None are your boyfriend?"

"No, Ashton was practically the only boy I've talked to since this year."

"Well, then none of them will mind if I ask you to Hogsmeade this weekended. Not as a date, unless you want it to be."

"I, uh, I, date? Well I-I mean, well, okay."

"So it's a date then?"

"Oh uh..sure?"

"Okay, then it's a date. You know, my friends said I'd be the only one without a date before Valentine's Day, now I'm the first. Bye Grace."

"Bye Lewis."

Grace stood in the middle of the corridor, still very flustered and very confused.

"Everything okay?" Aspen asked, coming up behind Grace. "Ohh you're blushing!"

"You know how Valentine's Day is next week and many people are going to Hogsmeade this weekend on dates?"

"Yeah, Ashton and I are going to count how many couples we see, wanna join?"

"Actually, I have a date."


"Don't act so surprised!"

"I'm not surprised! Just, you've barely known him for a day and you're already going on a date?"

"I was caught up in the moment."

"My little Grace is all grown up!" Aspen locked Grace in a hug.

"Aspen, let go!"

"Sorry, but I'm so happy for you! I mean that boy is so cute! I can already hear wedding bells."

"There is something wrong with you."

"Wait, what's his name?"


"Ohh, Lewis and Grace, Grace and Lewis. I love them both!"

"Aspen! Please, knock it off. Instead of gushing over my date maybe you could go ask Cedric!"

"Ask me what?" Aspen jumped and ran behind Grace.

"Oh, hello, Cedric." Grace greeted.

"Hello," he pointed to Aspen. "Is she okay?"

"Just peachy." Aspen croaked.

"Caught us off guard."

"Oh, well what were you going to ask me?"

"Aspen actually has something to ask you." Grace pushed Aspen towards Cedric.

"Um, did you finish the potions homework? Because I might need some help with mine."

"Oh, sure! Here I'll help you in the library."

"Alright, bye Grace!" Aspen waved goodbye as her and Cedric walked off. When he wasn't looking, Aspen stuck her tongue out at Grace.

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