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Reese, Aspen, and Grace danced to the music as they talked. Aspen extremely grateful to get away from her date.

"I don't mean to ditch him, but...." Aspen didn't go on, but Grace and Reese understood what she meant. A smile grew on Reese's face as she nodded towards something.

"Look." Reese whispered. The other two followed her gaze. Ashton was lost in conversation with Wyatt. A smile carved on both of their faces.

"They're so cute." Aspen cried.

"Just wait it out and they'll be dating in no time." Grace said as she turned back towards the other two.

"Ladies." Another voice said. Grace turned around to greet the twin.

"Hello Fred, where's Angelina?" Grace asked.

"Went with some friends to the restroom. I was wondering if I could steal you for a dance." Fred offered. Grace glanced at Reese and Aspen who were both nodding.

"Uhh...sure." Grace said. Fred held out his hand. Grace smiled and took it.

Aspen and Reese watched as Grace and Fred walked away.

"Just like Grace said," Aspen began, "give it a few months and they'll be dating in no time." Reese and Aspen chortled and walked the opposite direction.

• • •

"You look lovely." Fred told Grace.

"You clean up nicely yourself." Grace said as her cheeks flushed.

"Reese and Lee seem to be hitting it off."

"Very much so." Graces eyes drifted over to were George was dancing with Julia. "How's George and Julia?"

"They're having a blast. I'm surprised George can keep up considering Julia does ballet."

"Must be a real challenge." Grace smiled as Fred spun Grace in a circle.

"What do ya' reckon the second task will be?" Fred asked. Grace pursed her lips shook her head.

"I have no clue. How about you, any guesses?"

"Maybe I do, maybe I don't."

"Oh I see what game you're playing."

"Games? I'm not playing any games!"

"Whatever you say Freddie. Hey I haven't seen any business ideas lately? Am I still apart of this?"

"Of course! We'll blame George he was supposed to get them to you." Grace scoffed.

"Yeah right. I bet you were supposed to get them to me."

"Let's not point fingers Grace!"

• • •

When Angelina came back she spotted Fred dancing with Grace. She smiled as she knew she had accomplished her goal.

"You're not mad?" Her friend asked.

"Merlin no! I know Fred has a crush on the girl, this is perfect." Angelia cried with a smile on her face.


"Now he just needs to ask her out." Angelia said.

• • •

Grace danced with Fred a lot longer then she thought she did. The two having a great time as Fred joked with the Ravenclaw. Eventually Grace let out a yawn and knew her time was running out.

"Tired?" Fred asked. Grace nodded.

"I am."

"Well, it is late. I could always walk you to the Ravenclaw tower."

"You're right, those corridors are very dangerous. I'll need someone to protect me." Fred held out his arm.

"Let's go then, shall we?"

When Grace returned to her dormitory she collapsed on her bed with a smile on her face. Using her feet she took off her shoes and just laid there. A little while later Reese came in is well.

"So, did you and Fred have a blast?" Reese asked as she sat on her bed. Grace smiled once again.

"We did."

"Good, good."

"Did you and Lee have fun?"

"We did."

"That's just swell."

"Grace, you look exhausted."

"I am." Reese chuckled.

"Then go to bed." Reese cried.

"I can't, my mind is.....occupied."

"With thoughts of Fred." Reese muttered as she headed towards the bathroom, but Grace didn't hear.

After a few more minutes of reflecting on the night Grace took off her dress and changed into her nightwear. Grace crawled under her covers and let herself drift off to sleep.

Grace would never admit it, mostly because she wouldn't let herself believe it. It's just been a few months since the girl had her heart broken. It's only been a few months since she's felt the raw emotion of heartbreak. However, Grace knew that feeling of falling for someone. For Merlins sake she was hoping it wasn't happening again.

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