By the time dinner was done, everyone in the school knew of the petrifying. Many people looked at Grace, who was sitting alone. She still had tear stains on her cheeks and her hands still trembled.
Aspen and Ashton didn't care that they were in different houses, once they heard they sat down across from Grace.
"Grace, are you okay?" Aspen croaked.
"Of course she's not okay." Ashton shot back.
"Grace, Reese will be fine. Professor Sprout will be able to help."
"When?" Grace whispered. Aspen stole a glance from Ashton.
"Well, we don't know yet, but—" Aspen didn't finish what she was saying because Grace didn't want to hear it. She just got up and walked out of the Great Hall.
Once alone in the dormitory, Grace sat on her bed and took in the silence. Grace knew Aspen was right, but it would be strange not having Reese around.
Grace opened her trunk to find the box of pranks lying on top. The box of pranks she was going go show Reese.
Without Reese, most classes were just boring for Grace. She didn't have Reese, who always made jokes. Instead she sat in her chair with an empty seat next to her.
Whenever Grace opened her trunk, prank items stared back at her. Items she really didn't want. But Grace knew if she gave them all away Reese would probably throw Grace off the astronomy tower. But she could always sell them.
Before Grace left to Hogsmeade the next day, she filled her school bag with some of the prank supplies. Of course kids could easily buy these things from Zonko's, but Grace had better deals.
"Fred, George!" Grace shouted. The two red heads turned to look at who was calling their name.
"Well, look who it is." Fred mocked when Grace ran up.
"Here's your gloves." She said handing the boy the gloves.
"Keep 'em."
"I don't want them." Grace said.
"Oh please, you know you do."
"Whatever," Grace shoved the gloves back in her bag. "Anyway, meet me outside the Shrieking Shack. I have an offer to make. An offer you don't want to turn down." Before any of the two could reply, Grace walked back to Aspen and Ashton.
"What was that about?" Ashton asked her.
"Don't worry about." Grace replied.
Once in Hogsmeade, Grace told Aspen and Ashton she'd meet with them later.
"Meet us in The Three Broomsticks." Aspen told her.
"Okay." As Grace walked away from her friends, she pulled out her hat and placed it on her head. The snow lightly fell on top of it.
Grace then sat outside the Shrieking Shack, waiting. She knew no one would come around it, so that's why she chose it.
After minutes of waiting, the twins finally appeared.
"What took you two so long?" She asked.
"We stopped at Honeydukes." George told her.
"And you didn't get me anything?"
"You didn't ask." Fred said.
"Right, well I have an offer for you two."
George took the sweet out of his mouth. "And that is?"
Grace opened her backpack, revealing the pranking items.
"Wicked." They both exclaimed.
"I'll give it to you, but for a price."
"Now wait a minute, why should we pay you if we could buy all this at Zonko's." Fred inquired.
"Because you can have all of this for the price of three dungbombs from Zonko's."
"How did you even get all this?"
"My father almost got expelled for pulling a prank. I believe he wanted me to continue his legacy by giving me all this, but I don't prank."
"You could always start." George noted.
"Why would I want to do that?"
"To keep Reeses' legacy going until she's back."
"I don't like pranking people."
"How would you know if you've never tried?"
"Well I.....I don't know actually." Fred smiled.
"And the Ravenclaw has been outsmarted." Him and George gave each other a high-five.
"So what do you say?" George asked.
"..... I guess I could try it. But I'm just doing it for Reese!" Grace closed her bag and walked away. She stopped to tell the twins one more thing. "I still want my money!"

Enchanted [Fred Weasley]
FanfictionGrace Kellner is a small Ravenclaw who's always seen carrying a certain journal. Most people assume it's a diary, but she knows it's not. It's a book full of ideas. Ideas that seem impossible. Fred and George Weasley become interested in the book wh...