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"You have to get it over with," William told himself. He had assured his sister he was going to ask the boy out, but he didn't know if he could. Williams palms were sweaty and his breath kept getting caught in his throat. His heart was beating so fast it could've burst out of his chest.

"You alright there, Will?" The boy asked. He ran his hand through his blonde hair to get pieces out of his face. His green eyes looked over at the fellow fourth year.

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine. You know, I hear we're practicing Patronus charms at the next D.A meeting."

"I hear those are...difficult."

"Oh extremely." The boy chuckled.

"Thanks for the help calming my nerves," he teased.

"Leo, don't worry! I'm sure you can do it," William assured. Leo scoffed.

"That sounded forced."

"It was." The two boys laughed.

"You know what I've never understood?" Leo pondered. William glanced at him.

"What that?"

"That there were supposed to be no Slytherins in this group, but somehow Josephine and I are," Leo admitted. William looked away so Leo couldn't see him blushing. Him and Rowan practically begged Hermione and Ron to let the two Slytherins come.

"I've never thought about that," William finally said. Leo raised a brow.

"William, do you know something I don't?" Leo asked.

"Oh, I know many things you don't. I am pretty smart," William admitted. Leo laughed.

There it was again. His laugh. It caused William to want to crawl away and die of happiness. William didn't know why, but Leo's laugh seemed to make William burst with joy. Maybe it was because he'd toss his head back a little when he did so. Or maybe because Leo's laugh causes him to break into a wide grin.

"Would you like to go out with me?" Leo's laughter stopped and his eyes widened. William regretted saying it. He didn't even mean to ask. The words just escaped his mouth before he even registered what he was asking. Williams face became bright red.

"I..uh, um.." William trailed off. He didn't know what to say. He did just ask out the boy, it's not like he could take it back. Instead William stood his ground. He looked Leo in the eye and held his head high like his sister always did. William gave Leo a teasing smile. "Well, Leo, are you going to answer me or just stand there? I asked if you would go out with me."

Finally Leo seemed to relax. As if the words finally registered and he could get an answer out. His face softened and he smirked at William.

"Took you long enough to ask," Leo admitted. William looked surprised.

"If you were waiting for so long, why in Merlin's name didn't you ask yourself?" William questioned as he crossed his arms. Leo leaned closer to William, their faces inches from each other's.

"You are the Gryffindor, I wanted to see if you had it in you," Leo admitted.

"Well," William started, "now you know."

"Forbidden Forest, next Saturday, meet in there at midnight," Leo instructed as he began to walk away.

"Leo, you do know it's Forbidden?"

"Exactly, no one will see us." Leo turned around and headed towards the dungeons. William turned to go find his sister.

William spotted the Hufflepuff talking with George. The two were just about to kiss. William didn't really care, so he broke in.

"Julia!" He shouted. The two jumped apart and looked at William, their faces turning red.

"H-hello there William," Julia stuttered.

"Do yourself a favor and get a room," William said. "George, mind if I take my sister?"

"She's uh..she's all yours," he said. William flashed George a smile.

"Thanks." William grabbed Julia's wrist and pulled her away.

"William, is everything okay?" She asked.

"Everything is....wonderful," he assured. Julia tore away from her brothers grasp and crossed her arms. William turned around to meet her gaze.

"Alright, tell me what happened," she demanded. William looked around for a moment and mumbled something. "What? William, I can't understand a thing you're saying."

"I asked out Leo."

"You what? What did he say?" Julia asked, brining her voice down a notch.

"He said yes." Julia broke into a smile. She reached over and crushed the Gryffindor in a hug.

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