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"So, Grace, is there any boys you're taking an interest to?" Emily asked. Grace stopped stirring the soup and looked at her aunt, who was setting the table.

"Everyone seems to be asking me that lately."

"Maybe they're surprised that a pretty girl like you isn't dating anyone." Grace smiled.

"Even if I was my dad would probably send a howler to the boy." Emily laughed.

"No boy then?"

"No boy. The only boy I really talk to is my friend Ashton."


"I mean, I talked to Harry Potter a week ago when he was in the hospital wing. Then every once in awhile I talk the the Weasley twins. Mostly because they're friends with Reese."

"Fred and George?"

"How do you know them?"

"Their father is a friend of mine. Worked with him at the Ministry. Great man Arthur is! Hey, I believe your father knows Arthur. Maybe I could go visit Arthur. You could come along as well, see your friends."

"Not my friends."

"I still talk with Arthur, but I haven't seen him in forever!"

"What a pity."

"I'll talk to your farther about when he gets home. Which should be soon. Wouldn't you love to see your friends?"

"Not friends."

"Ah, the bread sticks are done!" Emily walked over to the oven and took the bread sticks out. "Is the soup done?"

The front door opened and Ben Kellner walked in. Smiling, Grace ran up and gave her father a hug.

"Grace! I've missed you." Her father returned the hug, then gave one to Emily.

"Nice to see you, Emily."

"Nice to see you too! How's work?"

"Pretty good."

"Ah, excellent. I have news after dinner, so let's eat."

Grace took everyone's empty bowls and placed them in the sink.

"I think going to see the Weasley's would be a great idea! I'm sure Arthur would love to see you, Emily!" Beamed Ben.

"And I thought Grace could come as well. Considering she's friends with a couple of Arthur's kids."

"Actually, Reese is friends with the twins. I've barely talked to them. Besides, I think they stayed at at school for the holidays."

"Ah, very well. I'll check, if the twins did stay then you can just stay home. Otherwise, you will come." Ben stated.

"Alright, that works. If you'll excuse me, I have to go up to my room to do something."

Grace went upstairs to her room and locked the door. She knew Ron stayed, but she had no idea if the twins stayed or not.

Grace unlocked her journal and turned to the spell that she got some somewhere with.

"Alright, Grace, you can do this." She muttered.

Grace grabbed her wand and pointed it at a picture of her and Reese. She concentrated on the details of the picture and frame as she cast the spell.

"Indiscerniblous." Grace spoke as she moved her wand in a circle, nothing happened. She tried again, and again, and again, and again. Nothing happened. "I'll try one more time."

Pointing her wand at the picture, Grace took a deep breath. She concentrated as hard as she could.

"Indiscerniblous!" Grace said, more demanding the other attempts. Nothing happened, Grace set her arm by her side and sighed. The picture and frame became to fade. Grace watched as the wooden picture frame disappeared. Then her and Reese began to fade until there was nothing.

Grace stood there in shock, her hands trembled. Slowly, Grace made her way over to her dresser. Grace wrapped her hand around what would have been the picture. She could feel it in her hands, but she couldn't see it.

"I did it," Grace muttered. "I did it." A smile formed on the girls face. Grace put her heart and soul into casting the spell, and it worked. She seemed to understand what she did wrong before. Grace just casted it like a normal spell. She put will into every spell she cast, but she needed more for her own.

As happy as was, Grace realized she just did magic out of school. She just prayed the Ministry wouldn't understand her spell.

Twenty minutes later the picture became visible again—along with the frame. Grace smiled once again before heading back down stairs to talk with her family.

Ohhh, Grace might have to be forced against her will to go see the twins.

I have a question for you all. How do you like this book so far?

Edit: I totally forget the twins did stay at Hogwarts. I messed up a few things, so we'll just say they didn't. Sorry about that

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