The woman sat at the table arguing with the man. Her pastel purple hair was pulled back in a high ponytail. Her light blue eyes couldn't meet his.
"Why are you here?" She snapped. The man sighed.
"Cat, please just—"
"Don't call me Cat! Only friends can call me that."
"Well, I'm your husband."
"Were, you were my husband. No! Not even that Levi! You were my fiancé then you left." The woman jumped up and paced back and forth.
"I-I was scared."
"About being a father? You've been scared for almost sixteen years!"
"No, not about being a father. I-I loved you, I still do. I just didn't know if I was ready."
"So instead of calling off the engagement you just left! You left for sixteen years! Get out."
"OUT! I kept Leslie hidden from you. So, you show up the day she's due to come home. Her friends mother is getting her and bringing her home. She'll be here soon, so leave." The man pursed his lips, but didn't object. He stood up and walked out the front door. The woman sat back in the chair as tears swam in her eyes.
"Flo, where are you." She mumbled. Not only a few minutes after did the door open.
"Mum!" Catalina quickly wiped her tears and stood up to greet her daughter.
"Leslie, how was your year?"
"Oh, do I have a lot to tell you!" Leslie cried. Catalina raised an eyebrow and chuckled.
"Alright then, let's get your trunk up to your room first."
Catalina listened as Leslie told her everything. From the tournament to the Yule Ball to the moment Cedric almost died.
"I just don't understand how! I don't even think Voldemort is back." Leslie muttered. Catalina flinched.
"Do not ever say his name in this house again." Catalina demanded.
"Mum, you work in the Department of Mysteries. I'm sure you've heard his name."
"I have, but that doesn't mean I like the name."
"Mum, if you run toward the fear it's runs from you. Merlin, I sound like Reese." Catalina chuckled.
"Right, well, you and I have things to do in town. So, let's go."
• • •
Grace lay on her bed and stared at the ceiling. Her hair was sprawled around her and her arms lay by her side. Ben had told her Emily had been sick since late May, but Grace couldn't help but think this could be her consequence for helping someone cheat death. Emily had stayed out of Grace's life for awhile, but Grace didn't want her to leave again.
It's been weeks since Grace had come home. Ben had just left to go to Emily's home, but Grace was waiting for Florence Anderson. Grace was told all about the Order of the Phoenix. She was told about Sirius Black and how we was framed. None of that fazed her.
Grace was brought back into reality when she heard a knock at the door. Grace sat up and sighed. Slipping off her bed Grace went downstairs to open the door.
"You must be Florence." Grace said.
Florence looked different from last time Grace saw her. Her hair was still pulled back into a high pony tail, but her hazel eyes seemed bright and she no longer looked exhausted.
"Hello, Grace." Florence smiled. Grace managed to give her a small smile.
"Florence." Grace backed away to let Florence come in. Grace's trunk sat in the middle of the room with Desiree's cage sitting next to it. Desiree ruffled her wings and stared at Florence.
"I'm sorry to hear about your aunt. Emily is a wonderful lady." Grace gave a small nod.
"Thank you. Would you like some tea?"
"I'm fine, thank you. Are you ready?"
Grace apparated with Florence to the address. Some kids played on the sidewalks.
"Where are we exactly?" Grace asked.
"12 Grimmauld Place." Florence said. With a wave of her hand the ground began to shake. The building stretched into a larger one. No one noticed but Florence and Grace.
When they entered the chatter from down the hall ceased. The door opened and a smiling Molly Weasley greeted the two.
"Grace! It is so good to see you!" Molly cried. Grace set down her stuff as Molly wrapped Grace in a hug.
"You too, Mrs. Weasley."
"So, this is Grace Kellner." Another voice spoke. Grace wanted to scream, but she knew it wasn't the man everyone said he was. Grace immediately recognized Sirius. However, he looked much more cleaned up.
"In the flesh." Grace said.
"I heard you resembled your mother, but I didn't think that much."
"Told you." Florence mumbled behind Grace.
"I'll have Fred and George help you with your stuff." Molly said with a smile.
There was a crack which caused Grace to stumble back over her stuff. She landed with a thump on her back.
"WHAT DID I TELL YOU TWO!" Molly shouted. Fred and George appeared over Grace.
"You alright there love?" Fred asked.
"I'm fine." Grace mumbled.
Florence and Sirius shared a glance as they began to head back into the kitchen.
"Fred and Grace are definitely a thing. You owe me five galleons." Florence mumbled to him.
"Excuse me, but they didn't confirm it." Sirius defended. Florence rolled her eyes and slipped into the kitchen.
"Whatever you say." Florence muttered.
Fred and George held out their hands. Grace took one of each and they hauled her up.
"We'll bring your stuff up to where you're staying. Hope you're alright sharing with Hermione and Ginny." George informed her.
"That's fine." She said as she grabbed Desiree's cage. Grace looped her arm around Fred's and they apparated up the the room. Ron and Ginny jumped.
"Are you two that lazy you can't walk up stairs?" Ginny asked the twins.
"Excuse me! We got Grace's trunk!" George cried.
"You know what I would love? Something with pumpkin." Grace said as she sat on a bed.
"Mum will have dinner ready after the meeting." Ginny told her.
"Meeting?" Grace wondered.
"For the Order." Rom, who was in the room, informed her.
"Speaking of that, let's see if we can get in in the conversation." George said. Fred smiled.
"Let's go George."
"Oh Merlin." Grace breathed.

Enchanted [Fred Weasley]
FanficGrace Kellner is a small Ravenclaw who's always seen carrying a certain journal. Most people assume it's a diary, but she knows it's not. It's a book full of ideas. Ideas that seem impossible. Fred and George Weasley become interested in the book wh...