"I mean, it just doesn't make sense!" Reese cried, throwing a chip in her mouth.
"Are you still talking about Aspen?"
"No, I've moved on from Aspen."
"Who are you talking about?"
"Oh–wait me! What are you even talking about?"
"How your first detention was easier than making lemonade."
"Because I got to tutor?"
"Yeah, my first detention I had to polish trophies. TROPHIES!"
"Because I'm sure you'd find tutoring a hundred times better."
"Maybe I would." Reese smirked as she ate the last few chips.
That night the girls lay in the family room watching movies till they both fell asleep.
"Professor Snape?" Reese peeked her head into the potions classroom. "Professor?" She asked again, stepping inside. Reese shrugged, deciding to leave the assignment on his desk. She walked towards his desk, but stopped when she heard a noise. She looked at a nearby potion. In the reflection was a pair of big yellow eyes. That was all she remembered.
Reese stirred in her sleep from the memory. That memory that was months ago, but felt just like yesterday.
"Grace, could I ask you a question?" Her grey eyes met his blue ones.
"Of course you can."
"Well, these past couple months have been great with you. I'm really happy to spend time with you, and I was wondering if you'd be my girlfriend?" Lewis looked away as his face turned scarlet.
"You want me to be your girlfriend?" Grace asked with wide eyes.
"Lewis, I'd love to."
Grace smiled in her sleep at the memory of his blue eyes looked into her grey ones.
Reese stood in a dark room. She looked around, but saw nothing.
"Hello?" Reese called out. In respond there was a hissing sound. Her heart rate quickened as blood roared in her ears.
She turned around as two large snakes came towards her. Reese reached for wand, but it wasn't there.
"STAY AWAY!" Reese yelled. She turned to run, but couldn't move. The snakes wrapped around her legs. More snakes came and wrapped around her arms. More and more snakes came, wrapping themselves around the teen.
"No, no, NOOO!" The last thing she saw was those big yellow eyes.
Reese jumped up, sweat tricking down her face. Grace sat in front of her, hands on Reese's shoulders.
"Are you okay? You were yelling no over and over and over again."
"I.....no." Reese shook her head as the tears spilled out of her eyes. Grace wrapped her arms around Reese and pulled her close.
"It's okay Reese. It was just a dream Reese, just a dream."
"But it didn't feel like one." Reese thought.
Reese wasn't one to cry often. Whenever she did, Grace knew she had to be there.
"I don't even know why I'm crying." Reese forced a smile as she wiped away tears.
"What do you mean."
"I'm letting fear win, when I should be standing up to fight it."
"I bet you'll kick fears arse." Grace and Reese laughed.
"I'll do more than that."
Ben woke up early in the morning to get ready for work. As he walked into the family room to check on the girls, he found them both sound asleep.
Reese lay on her stomach with one side of her face squished against the pillow. Her right arm hang over the couch.
On the other couch, Grace was laying on her back and had her right leg up and resting on top of the couch. One arm was draped over stomach while the other laid by her side. Pieces of her hair were covering her face. Drool fell from her mouth and fell on her pillow.
"Gross." Ben whispered. He grabbed a tissue and wiped away the drool on her face. "Ah, there we go."
I have a new book! It's called "Limits." It's a Sirius Black story and may be linked to the this book. Maybe. Mostly because of an idea I have, but if I go with it then they books will be linked.But I'm excited to write the book so it would mean a lot to me if you checked it out!

Enchanted [Fred Weasley]
FanfictionGrace Kellner is a small Ravenclaw who's always seen carrying a certain journal. Most people assume it's a diary, but she knows it's not. It's a book full of ideas. Ideas that seem impossible. Fred and George Weasley become interested in the book wh...