Surprise visit.

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We sat down on my bed and i just looked at Tyler. I could tell Adam was doing the same.

"Would you stop looking At it!" He yelled.

That only caused us to laugh.

"Lets just focus on revenge."

I was still laughing when i was explaining our next move.

"Mitch and Jerome went to lazer tag with a bunch of mitch's friends. They should be back at 1:00 so i think we squirt em with water guns."

"Oooooooohhhhhhhhh" Adam says. He starts bouncing up and down like an eager six year old.

"Awesome!" Tyler says.

"But thats not all! If we act now we can drop water balloons on their heads!"

"Im in!" Tyler says.

We got all the supplies we needed and at 12:59 we were all in position. Adam was in the upstairs bathroom with the window open right above the front door. Tyler was in my room which was right next to the bathroom. And I was at the front door with a water gun ready to fire.

Sure enough at 1:00 someone knocked on the door.

Did they forget their keys? Why were they knocking.

"Whatever." I say to myself.

"Three, two one!"

I swing open the door about to fire but instead of Mitch and Jerome i see my aunt Beatrice.

"Hayley!" She says. "You look gorgeous but why do you have that." She says.

"Oh just there is a lot of robbers around here and you can never be too safe." I lie.

"Oh well if you would just let me in-" Her sentance was cut off by a water balloon hitting her in the head.

"Oh my gosh!" I rushed her inside and she sat down at the kitchen table. She was soaked.

Adam ran down the stairs screaming. "Did i get them did i get them?" But then he sees aunt Beatrice.

"Oops wrong kitchen!" He says and runs back up the stairs.

"Who was that?" Aunt beatrice asks.

"A friend."

"What happened to that Kelly girl?" She says. "She was nice the only friend I ... Approved of."

"Well...." I say.

"Oh never mind, i came here to tell you that your going back to university! I got you accepted into a private school! You will be leaving in. Month!"

It took me a while to take it all in.

"But im happy where i am now."

"Oh honey your brother wont be on youtube forever." She says. "And you cant freeload off him for the rest of your life. You need an education so be thankfull! Your welcome."

"But i don't want to leave." I say.

"Listen deer yes you do! So go and think of addition or something." She says.

I go to my room and sit on my bed.

"What am i going to do!" I groan.

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