Smoothie tuesday.

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I wake up and roll off my bed. I enjoy the cold floor for a while until I realize I used to to do this when I lived with Mitch. I almost forgot. I get up and run down the hallway in my socks and slide into the kitchen where I could have sword I heard voices.

"Jason?" I call out. Nothing. "You know how I hate being scared."

Then all the sudden Mitch, Kelly, and Jason pop out of the bathroom holding blenders.

"Happy smoothie Tuesday!!!!!!!" In unison.

I couldn't help but laughing. We haven't done a smoothie tuesday in, forever!

"No way!" Is the only thing I could think of saying.

"Thats not all!" Kelly says like a infomercial person. "It now comes with the smoothie challenge. Everyone on their own."

"Lets do it!" I yell.

Mitch goes over to the counters and grabs three bowls from a cabinet under the counter and I see they all have slips of paper. Jason gets stuff from the fridge, some smoothie related and some that looks like it would go on the show will it blend. Kelly goes and grabs a Shot glass, a medium cup, a large cup and an extra large cup. Mitch went into the fridge and got Milk, tomato juice, orange juice, and sprite. I placed all four blenders onto the counter.

After everything was set up. We started picking. Kelly went first and picked a slip of paper. I leaned over and saw it was three.

I scanned the area and saw it was whipped cream.

"Hell yeah!" Kelly yelled and grabbed the whip cream. She almost fills her blender halfway until we take the whipped cream from her.

Jason went next and picked a slip that had number 9. It was canned soup. I laugh as he made a stink face and poured the smallest bit in his blender.

"Hayley put your shirt back on." Mitch said who was on he other side on Jason while Jason was pouring the soup in. I give Mitch a confused face and Jason looks at me. While he does this Mitch tilts Jason's hand so a majority of the soup pours out of the can.

"Aw come on!" Jason complains.

"Thats what you get for looking." Mitch teases.

Next was my turn.

I grabbed a slip of paper and it said 2.

"Oh my go-"

"Baby food!" Mitch screams out loud.

I cringe as a grab the baby food jar and attempt to open the lid.

Jason takes the jar from me and opens it easily.

"I loosened it." I say as he hands me the jar. I dump a bit down into the blender. And I almost feel sick.

Mitch grabs a slip like everyone else and it says 5 he looks and gets skittles.

Throughout the whole choosing of ingredients my luck doesn't change.

I got peppers, lemons, tomatoes, salt and vinegar chips, four sticks of gum, canned carrots, and wasabi.

Kelly got Oreos, Chocolate ice cream, hershies, peas, peanut butter, chocolate sauce, and a kit kat.

Jason got apples, blueberries, a pigs foot, apple sauce, candy cane, a stick of butter, and a pop tart.

Mitch got, Spaghetti sauce, ranch dressing, an orange, fun dip, star bursts, banana, and a pine apple.

"Ok on three we will all grab a slip from this bowl to see what liquid we will get." Mitch says.

"We know we've seen many smoothie challenge videos." I say.

" Just making sure." Mitch says.

"1,2,3" Mitch says fast. All four of us grab a slip and open it.

"Ewwwww" Kelly complains. "Tomato juice!"

"Milk!" Mitch says.

"Sprite!" I say not celebrating because I didn't know what sprite and wasabi was going to taste like.

"Orange juice." Jason says.

We add the final ingredient in and we cover the blender with the lid.

On three we all blended it together.

We stopped blending it and we opened the lid. Mine smelt spicy.

We all picked the slips for the cup size. I got medium. Mitch got the shot glass. Kelly got large, and Jason got extra large. We poured the drinks into the cups we drank it.

At first mine just tasted bad. But after a few seconds my mouth was burning.

"Water!" I yell. I run towards the sink and run the water and stick my head underneath.

Everyone around me was laughing.

Best smoothie tuesday ever.


I sit on my bed flipping through a book I made a while ago. At he last page the words butter, milk, orange juice, and popcorn was written. I half smiled half frowned half laughed, half cried.

Someone who used to be my best friend. Turned into my boyfriend, turned into someone who called me a bitch.

I flip to a random page of the book and see a picture of me and Mitch at a beach of some sort when we were young. It showed another picture of Mitch buried down so deep we could only see his head in sand.

Oh memories. The good ones.

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