Like Dad and Mom

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I don't know what to do about Tyler. I don't know if I want everything to go back to the way it was before. Mitch and Kelly went out again and Jason was asleep on the couch after watching a full Marathon of some show until four in the morning.

I sighed a walked around the empty apartment thinking my brain off. Then I heard a knock at the door.

"Coming!" I yell.

I open the door and see Tyler standing with roses in his hand.

"Listen Hayley before you close the door, again, I wanted to tell you i'm sorry." He says.

He handed the roses to me and with hesitation I took them. But I felt a thorn stab my finger and I dropped the flowers.

"I'll get you a bandaid." He says walking around me. He goes into the kitchen and looks through cabinets.

"Tyler it's fine." I say.

"Found them!" he says pulling a box of bandaids.

He walks towards me and unwraps a bandaid.

"Tyler I can do this myself." I say.

"It was my flowers so i'm responsible." He says.

"Sorry about that."

"Now look who's apologizing."

We both laugh and for a brief moment we were best friends again. Until he ruined it.

"So, Hayley." He says finishing wrapping the bandaid around my wounded index finger. "Is it possible that we can ever date again."

"I don't know. It just doesn't feel right. Like saying Dad and Mom. It doesn't feel right."

"Aw come on!" He says a bit loud.

"Jason is asleep and he is a grumpy monster when he wakes up." I say.

"Oh, your dating Jason." He says disappointment written all over his face.

If i said he was he would stop wanting to date me, and we could be friends.

"Yeah." I say. "We started dating a couple of weeks ago."

"Oh, well we could be friends again then." He says.

"I'll take you up on that offer." I say.


It was four hours later and Jason was still asleep so I had Tyler stay over and we played would you rather.

"Would you rather make out with a giraffe. Or but peanut butter all over your toes and stick them into shark infested water." He says.

"Definitely the giraffe make out session." I say.

"You better warn Jason." He says. I fake laugh then nod.

"Ok, would you rather. Wake up with a chipmunk head. Or, a whale head." I ask.

"If I had a chipmunk head would I have the high pitched voice?" He asked.

"No, you would just have your regular voice."

"Chipmunk head. We could defiantly pull some drive thru pranks with that!"

"I can picture it now." I say.

"Ok one more! Would you rather have a Fish tail, or elephant feet." Tyler asks.

"Fish tail. I could be the little mermaid!" I say.

"You could paint with all the colours of the wind!" Tyler says.

"Wrong Disney movie!" I say.

"Oops!" He says.

"You know what i'm glad were friends again." I say.

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