One Drunken Night

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*two weeks later*

We're back home, and everything has been pretty smooth. Kelly has been sick but Mitch and I are fine.

"Mitch!" I yell. Down the hallway to the Kitchen where he was with Kelly.

"What!" He yells back.

"I need your laptop!"

"Just use your own!" He yells back.

"Thanks!" I hear him groan and I open up the door to his room and look for his laptop.

"Wait!" I hear Kelly say. I knew what Kelly was telling me to wait about. It was too late. On her dresser, I saw a pregnancy test and it was Positive.

Kelly runs into the room but stops after she sees me looking at the test. I turn to look at her. She gave me an apologetic look.

"I was going to tell you! I just didn't know how." She says

"You had sex with my brother! It is with my brother right?"

"Of course! And thats the first thing you ask!" She says.

"I'm kinda, sorta, I don't know..." I say. "In shock?"

"Please don't tell my parents. Or my sister!" Kelly pleas.

I turn around and look at Mitch he looked slightly awkward but supportive of Kelly.

"I won't tell them, but, one quick outburst." I say.

"One second." Kelly says. She plugs her ears with her fingers and nods. "Ok go."

"Kelly your not even 20!" I say. "Well, that was over fast."

"Thank god, I was beginning to think that you were going to have the same reaction as my parents were probably going to have."

"Are you going to tell them." I ask.

She sits down on her bed and covers her face with her hands.

"I honestly don't know. I'm so fucking confused!" She says. I sit next to her and put my arms around her. She looks up from her hands and I see she was about to cry."

"What am i going to do!" She cries.

"Kelly, I have no fucking clue. But, with you and your awesome boyfriend, you can do anything. And with no doubt, you'll be the best goddamn family in the world. I will always be here for you. And I think this is a speech Mitch should have said to you." I say.

She laughs and hugs me back.

"Even if your busy and you might forget about me from time to time, i'll never stop forgetting about you. Because your my best friend, and our friendship won't be broken because fnone drunken night." I say.

Mitch walks into the room and sits next to Kelly. He joins the hug.

"Fuck off Mitch its best friend time." I say.

Kelly bursts into laughter and everything seems to be fine.


"Mitch, this is a two bedroom apartment." I say after much thinking as Mitch watches tv.

"Yeah so what?" He says.

"Where will the baby go?" I ask.

"Goddamn Hayley we have like seven months." Mitch says.

"So, i've been thinking." I say and sit down next to him.

"Oh this is going to be good." Mitch says and turns off the tv then faces me.

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