Papers Papers and more Papers!

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"You know that you don't have to go." Kelly said. "We'll always have room for you."

"That sounds awesome but, I need to start my own life." I say.

"Does it have to be now? Can't it be in a year?" She whines.

"If I wait for a year this time, i'll be waiting for a year for probably the next 7 years." I say. "Plus my Aunt is about to come here to drop me off some paperwork."

"Well before that happens, how about we do something." She says.

"Like what?"

"Um, skydiving?" She says.

"Ha!" Mitch says as he walks into the room. "You can't even get Hayley on a helicopter without her screaming."

"Shut Up!" I yell and throw an apple from the kitchen counter at him.

"Anyways I would love to do something but Aunt Beatrice will be here any moment with paperwork." I say. "You two should just go."

"Are you sure?" Kelly asks.

"Positive! Now go!" I push.

"Alright lets go!" Kelly says.

Moments after Kelly and Mitch left the doorbell rang. I ran towards the door and braced myself for Aunt Beatrice. I opened the door just a crack and the women pushed in open and hugged me.

"Hayley! I knew you would come around." She said. Her grip tightened and it became hard to breath. She finally let go and I stumbled around for a few minutes.

"So, I brought all the papers necessary to apply for the best collages in North America." She said.

"Uh, how am I supposed to afford collage? I wasn't a straight A student in High school. And I don't have a job." I say.

"Oh don't worry, I'll cover the costs for you!" She said.

"Aunt Beatrice, isn't that extremely expensive." I asked.

"Yes. But i'm willing to do anything for my favourite niece!" She said pinching my cheeks with her long nails. I put my hand on my face afterwords and felt marks. "Now where does your brother keep the table?"

"In the kitchen." I answer. I lead her into the kitchen and she places a huge pile of papers on the table. My hand cramped just looking at it. "Damn, how many universities are we applying for?"

"Nine, now get to writing!" She says and leaves the kitchen. I hear the front door close and I slump down on the kitchen chair.

"It'd be easier to get into Hogwarts." I said.


Hours passed and I got barely any work done. Every five minutes I would have to google to definition of something, then i'd loose my pencil, or some asshole would decide now was the time to try to sell me a door.

I finally gave up and scrolled through Twitter. I saw a bunch of new tweets from Kelly.


Just had the best breakfast with Mitch ever! We had to wait an hour longer but our meal was free! @BajanCanadian

I slammed my head on the table and groaned. I lifted my head slightly to read another tweet.


Mitch just saved a Kitten from getting hit by a car and returned it to their owner. #myhero

That was all I needed I immediately went to write a tweet.


Why does the world choose to be exciting the one day i'm trapped inside my apartment. S.O.S

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