Loners for life

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They were both staring at me, but I couldn't put the pieces of together. I open my mouth to say something but quickly close it and just hope to stay silent and they will just forget about it. But they don't and just keep looking at me.

"Ok fine!" I give in. "When Tyler came over Kelly left us alone, so we talked and now he has a girlfriend and I am a loner." I say.

They were silent for a while then started driving again. Then a new secret came into my head. I can't keep the Jerome secret inside much longer. But I couldn't find a way to tell them. And soon I couldn't hold it in.

"I kissed Jerome!" I blurt out. Mitch immediately slams on the breaks luckily no cars were behind us.

"You did what!" Mitch yells. Damn my mouth. I stay silent and give him a guilty look. "Answer me!" He yells again and I continue to stay silent.

I hear Mitch unlock the car.

"Get out!" He says. Kelly just stays in her seat and doesn't look or talk to anyone. I get out of the car and close it behind me. Mitch comes put also but he told Kelly to stay in. I knew she had a hard choice to make, i didn't want to put her in a worse position.

He comes right in front of me.

"When?" He said in a harsh tone.

"When my voice was gone." I answer not looking at him.

"Well have fun walking home." He says and gets back in the car and drives away. I watch him drive away until he is out of sight. I sigh and start walking. But in the opposite direction.


I've been walking for three hours straight when it starts to snow. I sigh and see a gas station. I shove my hand in my back pocket. I pulled out three dollars and 31 cents. Great. I walk into the gas station and look around. Everything is too expensive.

"You going to buy something lady?" The man behind the counters says.

"I'm still looking." I say.

"Sure..." He groans.

I continue looking around.

"Hayley?" A voice says.

I turn around and see one of my old best friends, Jason.

"Jason?" I ask.

He runs up and hugs me. We used to be inseparable until he moved. I haven't seen him in years.

"What are you doing here?" He asks me.

"I should ask you the same thing." I say.

"This is truly touching but if you don't buy anything you better get out!" The guy at the counter says.

"My apartment is half an hour away if you want to talk there." He says.

I don't even think about it.

"Sure!" I say. We leave the store and he drives to his apartment. When we get to his apartment he parks his car and we go in the elevator.

"So why were you at the gas station." Jason asks.

"Mitch kicked me out of the car after I told him I kissed Jerome." I say with no hesitation.

"Wow." Is all he can say. We arrive at his floor and he opens a door that opens to a huge apartment.

"This is huge!" I yell.

"And if you need a place to sleep there is a spare room. It's been lonely after My girlfriend broke up with me." He says.

"We are loners for live!" I say and laugh. "And thanks."

"Want to watch me record with Adam?" He asks.

"Do unicorns sleep standing on their head?" I say excitedly.

"No?" Jason asks.

"Oh, then sure!" I say. We walk to his room and he starts his computer. He Skype calls Adam.

"Hey Jason!" Adam says. "And Hayley?"

"Don't tell Mitch." Was the first thing I said.

"Your secret is safe with me." He says back.

"Thank you so much." I say.

They start their recording and I stay silent.

After ten minutes I couldn't hold in the laughter and left the room. I heard Jason laugh when I was laughing so loud.

I decide to just watch some tv. There was nothing on so I watched the nature channel.

"In this documentary we will be talking about how the turtles Mate." The tv says.

"Whoa!" I say.

It shows a picture of two turtles on top of each other.

"Oh gosh!" I yell and turn the tv off. "I need to bleach my eyes!" I say and run away from the tv.


So I haven't been posting for the last few days because I didn't really get around to writing. So I apologize and i'll try to keep it daily, and also because christmas. And I didn't celebrate thanksgiving last week because i am a Bajan Canadian! Beware boring stuff ahead

I can't stop bragging about that because my (i have no idea how many greats) grandfather was from Barbados! And i'm Canadian so yeah................

Thank you for reading my story! And almost 300 away from 5000 reads! So again thank you!

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