Chapter 6 - Tyler's POV

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Tyler's POV.

I wake up really early in the morning around 11. The first thing I do is check my phone for messages, but I'm disappointed. I do have messages, 13 in fact, but not one of them is from the one person I wanted to talk to. What the hell is up with Troye? I really hope he's not letting all the hate get to him. We've talked about it before, the hate. He admitted that it used to get to him but didn't anymore. He didn't lie to me, did he? No, Troye would never. Besides, I can tell when he lies. How creepy is that? I've studied him enough times to know that his left eye twitches a bit when he tells a lie. So he wasn't least, he wasn't lying at the time. He's so much better than all those low lives sending him hate on twitter when they would never have the courage to do so in person. I hate seeing him sad. I especially hate when he tries to cover it up. His fake smiles just break my heart. He can full everyone else, but not me. I've studied his smile too much, i can tell when it's fake. Well, I didn't really study it...I just kinda ya know, obsessively stare at his smile sometimes. There you go again, Tyler, being creepy. But you have got to admit, that smile is the most perfect smile in the world. Suddenly, my head flies back and my hand goes up to hold my cheek where I was just slapped. I look up to see Zoe standing in front of me sheepishly. What the...when did she get here? And how the hell did she get into my apartment?

"I'm so sorry, Tyler. I couldn't get your attention. I've literally even standing here for ten minutes while you're daydreaming. I let myself in by the way. I may have broken your lock a bit. Might wanna get that fixed."

I look over at the clock to see I've been sitting here for over an hour. AN HOUR. Is it even possible to spend an entire hour just thinking about a boy? I mean, Troye's not just a boy though. God, I am so screwed. A cough forces it's way into my thoughts. I again look up to see Zoe standing. Just as I'm about to get up, she plops down onto my bed.

"Okay, talk." she raises her eyebrows expectantly and I blush. Of course she wants to know what, or rather, who I'm thinking about. I quickly start a new conversation instead.

"Gurl, your and Alfies new video was brilliant. I dressed as Perrie Edwards for mine. Not to brag or anything, but I was told I looked absolutely fabulous. Should I start thinking of a costume for next year? You know how long it takes me to -" I start babbling away but Zoe covers my mouth mid-speech.

"Tyler OMG you're blushing. Is it a guy? Are you dating someone? Omg WHO?!" She practically blurts. I try to speak but her hand is still over my mouth so I stick out my tongue and lick it. She pulls away and wipes her hand on my covers.

"Ya know, it's still early. Did you get some food in that stomach of yours yet? Why don't I make something?" I again try to divert her attention. She frowns at me and a determined look comes on her face. Shit. Not good, not good. A determined Zoe is NOT a Zoe you want to mess with. Make something up, Tyler, just make something up.

"Tyler, stop dodging my questions!" I look down. I don't know if I should tell her. Yeah, I'm not a big secret keeper but what if she tells Troye? Oh shush boy, Zoe isn't like that and you know it. But still...what's the point in telling her about a stupid crush when it's obviously never going to turn into anything?

"Tyler, it's obviously important so I understand if you don't want to tell me but you know I'm always here to listen, right?" I smile slightly. I guess it wouldn't hurt to tell her. Besides, maybe it'll be good to get it off my chest.

"Yeah, I like someone..." She squeals and I cringe slightly. Damn, gurl has got a good set of lungs on her. She shrugs apologetically before bombarding me with more questions.

"Who? Since when? Does he like you? Stupid question, everyone likes you. OMG my baby is growing up so fast." I fake glare at her. Silly girl, i ain't no baby. She laughs and goes back to the questions. "Well...?" I bite my lip before blushing again. God Tyler, stop blushing. I NEVER blush or get flustered. Zoe decides to make it easier on me. "Do I know him?" I nod my head. "Do I like him? Omg it's not Alfie, is it?" I shake my head quickly, laughing.

"GOD NO. I mean, Alfie's a great guy but no, I DO NOT like him like that." She laughs before again asking more questions.

"Didn't think so but I had to check. So who is it then?"

I wipe my sweaty hands on my pants before quietly mumbling under my breath, "Troye."

"Tyler, I can't hear you when you mumble."

I take another deep breath before blurting it out.


Zoe squeals the loudest squeal I have ever heard and less than a second later, I'm squished on my bed with Zoe on top of me, still squealing.

"Zoeeeee - can't - breathe." I manage to huff out from underneath her. I almost regret telling her when I see the maniac smile on her face. Shit, I totally forgot she ships Troyler.

"I KNEW IT. Omg, does he know? TELL HIM. I'll be invited to your wedding, right? Seriously you guys are too cute!" My eyes widen. I have never heard Zoe this excited before.

"ZOE! No, he doesn't know and he won't know because I am not telling him. What if he doesn't like me? I don't want to ruin our friendship!" I frown before sighing and looking down. I feel arms around me and hug Zoe back, thinking.

She sounds sure that Troye would like me. But why would he? I mean, he's the most amazing guy ever, he's Troye Freaking Sivan...and I'm just plain old Tyler. What would he possibly see in me? I pull away from the hug and force a smile on my face.

"Let's get ready for the day, shall we?"

Authors Note


I doubt any of you really cared I didn't update anyways lol but if anyone did, sorry.

It's longer than usual cause I missed two days. I wrote it yesterday but my laptop refused to load wattpad so today, I rewrote it on my iPod to upload instead.



Please give me feedback!

And does anyone have any ideas?

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Just A Bromance (Troyler Fanfic) [ Tyler Oakley + Troye Sivan ]Where stories live. Discover now