Chapter 35 - Troye's POV

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Warning: if you arent into smut, do NOT read this chapter.

Warning: While I have read a lot of smut, I have never written it so I am sorry if this is absolutely terrible


Troye's POV.

I can't help but cry as Tyler states things he loves about me. It's things that most people wouldn't even think twice about, and here Tyler is, saying he loves them. It feels like my heart is about to burst from all the love I'm receiving from Tyler and when he comes back up my body to look me in the eyes, I feel more vulnerable than ever before.

"Tyler..." He kisses my lips, asking me what I wanted.

"You. I want you to fuck me." I say, plain and clear. He pulls back, shaking his head and frowning. I look at him in confusion. So he doesn't want me?

"I'm not going to fuck you, Troye. But what I will do is make love to you."

Who is this perfect guy? I never knew Tyler was romantic or anything, but lately that's what I've learned. I smile at Tyler and pull his head down to kiss again. The kiss starts off slow, but gradually increases in speed.

While it does quicken, it isn't a rushed messy kiss. It's still full of love and passion, and I can feel my thoughts turn into one big cloud of pleasure.

Tyler licks into my mouth and slowly starts grinding down in the same rhythm, causing me to moan into his mouth. I can't keep myself from bucking up, and I'm rewarded with a long groan from Tyler. He kisses down my body, taking his time and kissing everywhere. I gasp when he takes one of my nipples into his mouth, a hand going up to my other.

My hands tangle themselves in Tyler's hair, pulling as he sucks gently. He continues until both are red and puffy, me groaning the entire time. He kisses down my chest, again skipping over my privates. He looks up at me, not wasting anymore time.

"Do you have any lube?" I groan, looking over to the nightstand. He reaches in and grabs the bottle. He reaches back in and grabs a condom and I grab his wrist, shaking my head.
I want to feel him. He puts it back before turning his attention back to me.

The sound of the cap being opened is loud in the otherwise silent room and I watch with anticipating eyes as Tyler squirts some on his fingers. He places a finger at my entrance but pauses, looking up at me. I nod my head for him to continue, and he pushes it in all the way.

I shift a bit, trying to get used to the feeling. It's not painful but its a bit weird. He slowly starts thrusting his finger in and out, waiting for me to get used to it. Before long, I'm bucking back down and begging for more.

He smiles slightly before adding the second finger, waiting patiently before starting to scissor them as he thrusts in and out. He quickly goes through the third and even a fourth finger to make sure I'm fully ready. I whimper at the empty feeling I get when he pulls them out. As he squirts more lube onto his hand and rubs it on himself, I start to feel a bit nervous. He notices and moves up to place a hand on my face and look in my eyes.

"We don't have to." He says softly and I shake my head.

"No, I want to," I look down then, blushing. "I just...I'm a virgin." He pulls my chin back up, looking into my eyes with such adoration and love.

"It's alright Troye. We can go slow, it'll hurt at first but it won't last long." I nod, trusting him. He lifts my legs up slightly and places himself at my entrance, looking down at me.

"Are you sure?" I smile at him softly, pulling him down for a kiss.

"100% positive." I take a deep breath, waiting for him to go.

"I love you." He says right a he starts pushing in, and my reply is lost in a whimper. He peppers kisses all over my face, whispering how much he loves me under his breath. He stills halfway in, waiting for me to get used to the feeling.

I give him the okay to continue and he pushes in all the way slowly. I squeeze my eyes shut as Tyler kisses away my tears. He again waits for me to feel a bit better before moving.

While the pain doesn't go away right away, within a few thrusts, I find myself bucking back down onto him. He changes his angle slightly and I throw my head back as my body is filled with pleasure.

Tyler keeps thrusting in the same position, hitting my prostate every time. I hear myself become embarrassingly loud and try to hold the noises back. Tyler stops and I whine loudly.

"I want to hear you." He starts up again and I let out a loud moan. My hands end up on his chest, trying to grip onto something before they reach up to grab onto his biceps. Tyler leans down and places a quick kiss on my lips, placing his hands on either side of my head.

"T-Tyler I'm -" he seems to understand what I'm trying to say and quickens his speed, bringing a hand down to wrap around my dick, pumping as he thrusts. I feel mysel become closer and closer to my release, moaning louder now. I try to hold myself back from cumming but Tyler notices and leans down to whisper in my ear.

"Cum for me." and if that isn't the hottest thing in the entire world, then I'm not sure what is. I let go, shooting the sticky substance out on both our chests, and Tyler pulls out, pumping himself a few more times before cumming on our chests also.

He collapses next to me, both of us breathing heavily. He looks over at me, smiling slightly and I can't help the smile that comes over my face.

"I love you too." I whisper to him and his entire face lights up. He leans in and gives me a peck on the lips before getting up and walking over to the bathroom.

I stare after him in confusion until he comes back with a wet towel. He wipes both if us down before throwing it to the side, and pulling me to him. I yawn, rubbing my eyes, extremely tired now. I look up at him, smiling.

"Night, Tilly." I whisper to him and he leans down to give me yet another kiss.

"Night TimTam." He says softly right before I drift off in his arms.

Okay, so like I said before, this is my first time writing smut...ever.

I'm really nervous about uploading this.

I honestly don't think it's absolutely terrible...I mean, seeing how a 16 year old GIRL with absolutely no experience with guys and doesn't even have a dick wrote this....

please give me feedback!

Please don't lie if its not good, because that really won't help me improve!

Also, for those of you who vote and don't comment...if there's ever a time that you should comment, THIS IS IT.

Vote AND Comment

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Tumblr: tilly-oakley

IG: tillyoakley

Twitter: tillyoakley_

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