Chapter 18 - Troye's POV

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Troye's POV.

The bathroom door bangs shut behind me and I sink to the ground, clutching my knees to my chest. Tears run down my face and I can't help but think of how stupid I am. Just because we kissed, doesn't mean he likes me...that much is obvious. I thought for one minute that maybe, just maybe, I wasn't wrong. I thought he liked me back but I should've known better.

Maybe then I wouldn't be sitting here on the floor, crying, as Tyler's out having sex with some guy that isn't me. I reach under the cabinet to grab my newest razor blade, pulling up my sleeve. I drag the blade across my wrist...once...twice...and almost a third time. Before I make the cut, Im interrupted by insistent knocking on the door and Tyler begging me to let him explain.

The sound of his voice only brings back unwanted images and I sob louder, my hands doing nothing to muffle the sound. After 5 minutes, all that can be heard from the adjourning room is silence. Typical Tyler, didn't even stick around longer than a few minutes.

I get up slowly, pulling down my sleeve and opening the door. I go to walk out when I see Tyler. I almost feel bad for assuming he would leave me...almost. Before I can turn back, he's wrapping his arms around me and carrying me to the bed. We end up fighting against each other, me trying to leave and him trying to keep me here, begging me to hear him out.

He tries to tell me how much of a mistake he made and how he only wants me, but I don't believe him. I want to, I really do, but I was already insecure about all this before. How can I possibly believe him? He doesn't want me, not when he can have any guy in the world.

"Actions speak louder than words, Tyler." I say harshly and I feel slightly bad to see him let go of me with a hurt expression on his face. I swiftly get up and leave the room, half of me wanting him to leave me alone, the other half wishing he was chasing after me. I can hear him crying behind me, and it takes everything in me not to turn back. Why should I? I've done nothing wrong except be a naive little boy. I know that the tears are fake, anyways.

I rush down the hall to Zoe's room, praying Alfie isn't there. I hesitate to knock, knowing I'm not a pretty sight, with tears streaming down my face and my nose all red and running. Once I finally do, I immediately hear footsteps coming towards the door. I look down as Zoe opens it. She gasps but I don't give her time to say anything.

"A-are you alone?" I ask and she nods, looking worried. She grabs my wrist and pulls me into the room, and I wince. She's confused and looks down to my wrist and then covers her mouth in horror. I cry slightly harder, seeing my cuts bleed through the fabric. She doesn't ask questions and I couldn't be any more grateful for that.

She heads off to the bathroom before coming back with disinfectant and bandages. I look away as she cleans up my arm, both of us crying slightly. She looks at me when she's done and I understand the look in her eyes. I can tell she's curious but she's not going to force me to tell her anything until I'm ready. I open my mouth to speak, but only one word comes out, and that one word makes me cry harder.

"T-Tyler" is the only thing I say before I'm leaning into her, crying again. She wraps her arms around me, and in the course of the next couple hours, I manage to tell her everything in little bits and pieces. The entire time, she listens and doesn't say a word, just comforting me when needed, and I don't know what I would have done without having a great friend like Zoe here for me.


Tyler, you asshole. What do y'all think he should do? And do y'all think he can even fix this?

^Yes I am pissed at my own character for something I made him do

^^dont hate me for this chapter

^^^and don't say it's completely obvious that he's going to fix this and they'll get together cause I swear on Tyler's life, if someone does, I will seriously consider having an unhappy ending in which Troyler does not happen and one of them ends up all alone with only twenty cats to keep them company.

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