Chapter 36 - Tyler's POV

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Tyler's POV.

I wake up before Troye, lying in bed with him still in my arms. I look down on him, smiling softly to myself. He looks so peaceful and cute in his sleep. I pray he doesn't wake up, not knowing what my excuse would be if he caught me watching him sleep. I lean down and place a soft kiss on his lips, jumping in surprise when he kisses back. He opens his eyes and smiles up at me, giggling slightly. This boy and his cuteness is going to be the death of me, I swear.

"Morning Tilly" he mumbles, reaching a hand to rub his eyes sleepily. I feel my heart warm just like it does every time he calls me tilly. Nobody else calls me that except for Troye. He sighs and buries his head in my neck and I wrap my arm around him tighter.

"I don't wanna get up." he mumbles into my skin and I close my eyes, perfectly content with lying in bed for a while. Barely a minute of relaxing goes by before I gasp, my eyes shooting open. Troye sits up, looking over at me.

"What's wrong?!" I smile at, shaking my head.

"Nothing's wrong...I just remembered there's something I need to do..." I blush, looking down.

"willyoubemyboyfriend" I say extremely fast and Troye looks at me confused. I bite my lip, blushing again, and I can practically hear the smirk in Troye's voice as he speaks.

"Aw, what's got Tilly so flustered." I roll my eyes at him, taking a deep breath.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I start off strong at the beginning but by the time I get to the end of the question, my voice is barely a whisper. I look up when I don't get a response, seeing Troye looking at me shocked. He opens his mouth to speak before closing it. I look down again, starting to play with my hands.

"Yeah, uh that was a stupid question. It's fine. Lets just forget-" I'm cut off when Troye lunges forward and places his lips on mine, kissing me. I immediately kiss back but he pulls away far too quickly.

"Yes. Hell yes." A smile forms across my face and I wrap my arms around him, pulling him into my chest. He laughs, hugging me back. We fall back on the bed, both with wide smiles. I look over at the time, seeing its only 10 AM. I figure we have time to stay in bed for a bit longer.

Troye lies his head back on my chest and I can't keep the smile off my face as I wrap my arms around my boyfriend. I love that word. Boyfriend, Troye is my boyfriend. Troye fucking Sivan is my boyfriend. I giggle to myself, causing Troye to look up at me.

"What?" He asks, a smile playing on his lips. I lean down and peck him on the lips.

"Nothing, I'm just really happy." He smiles wide at me, not a fake smile or half smile, but a genuine happy Troye Sivan smile.

"Me too." My smile grows impossibly larger and I'm sure I must look insane, but can you really blame me? The most amazing guy in the entire world just agreed to be my boyfriend. We lie in a comfortable silence and time flies by quickly. Before I know it, it's already noon.

We finally decide to get up and I chuckle softly when Troye winces as he gets up. He glares at me and I completely lose it, not being able to hold in the laughter escaping from my mouth. He rolls his eyes playfully before pulling me up from the bed.

I follow him out of the room and into the kitchen, finding out we haven't done any grocery shopping and therefore we don't have any food. We both stand for a moment before Troye suggests going out for lunch and inviting Zalfie along. I agree excitedly, wanting to tell someone about my new boyfriend. Still fucking love that word.

We leave the hotel and meet up with them at Nandos. I'm actually a bit excited to try it since we don't have it in America. We all sit down and order before making small chat. I see Troye's hand on the table and casually place my hand with it, linking our fingers. He squeezes slightly, smiling over at me. A loud squeal catches our attention and we look over to see Zoe staring at our hands and holding her hands together excitedly.

"Finally! Omg you guys are just the cutest couple." I smile at her while Troye blushes. Alfie says a simple congrats and tells us how obvious it was. I laugh and say thank you while Troye continues to blush. I lean over and peck his cheek, initiating another squeal from Zoe and more blushing from Troye.

I could definitely get used to this.

Sorry it's so short and later than usual! I've been with friends all last night shopping (Black Friday) and today!

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