Chapter 23 - Troye's POV

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Troye's POV.

We make it to the airport in London still alive, thankfully. What? You never know when a plane is going to crash. Tyler even spent ten minutes before the plane took off deciding on a last tweet just in case. He never ended up tweeting it though. Not wanting to intrude on Alfie's flat again, Tyler and I decide to just stay at a hotel, sharing a room to save money. We have Alfie drop us off on the way to his flat, thanking both him and Zoe for everything. We check in at the hotel, getting a room and heading up. Once we're in the room, we both immediately collapse on the couch, looking over at each other. I can't help but laugh and soon, both of us are laughing hysterically over nothing. Once we've both calmed down a bit, I look over at Tyler.

"How long do you think you'll stay in London?" I ask him and he bites his lip, obviously thinking. I don't know how long I am either, but I'll most likely stay until Tyler leaves. I just want to spend a little time with him before heading back to Australia.

"Not sure. At least a week or two, just exploring and stuff. What about you? Are you heading back to the land down under soon?" He looks sad at the thought and I smile to myself before shrugging my shoulders. He seems to accept that as an answer, and we both decide to head in for the night.

I go to the bathroom to get ready, leaving Tyler to get ready for bed in the room. When I come back in, Tyler pats the spot next to him on the bed, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. I roll my eyes and laugh at him. I feel slightly awkward once I'm in the bed with him, leaving a bit of space between us. He rolls his eyes and pulls me into him, complaining about the lack of cuddles I'm giving him. I blush but put my head on his chest, content. I really could get used to cuddling with Tyler, which might not be a good thing.

I fall asleep rather quickly after that, with a smile on my face.

- - - - - - - - - -

When I wake up, I'm a bit disappointed to find an empty bed. The disappointment fades when I smell breakfast food. I guess this is a high class hotel, seeing as the room has a bedroom, a lounge area, and a small kitchen. I make my way through the lounge and into the small kitchen, seeing Tyler cooking at the stove. I wrap my arms around his waist from behind, nuzzling my face into his neck as I murmur a soft, "Morning, Tilly."

He tenses a bit and I can practically hear the smile in his voice when he says good morning back. I don't move away, even as he continues cooking, and he eventually leans back into me. I pout when I'm forced to let go once he's finished. He turns around smiling at me, and kisses my cheek as he reaches for plates. I blush and he chuckles before turning back to the food. We walk over to the couch and he places a hot plate of pancakes and bacon in front of me. We both immediately start digging in. When I'm done, I lean over a brush my lips over his cheek, not quite kissing. He freezes and I lean back, watching him blush. I always feel a sense of pride when I do that. It's not really a common occurrence to see Tyler blush. I mean, he barely ever gets embarrassed. I like knowing I can make him blush.

My attention is diverted to my phone when I hear it vibrating. I grab it and check my texts. I scan through most and then land on the most recent one.

To: Troye

From: Cam

Hey, Troye! We still meeting up? You are here in London, right?

Shit. I forgot about that. I guess we should meet up soon.

To: Cam

From: Troye

Hey! Yeah, I am! Do you want to meet up at Starbucks in ten?

The reply is almost instant.

To: Troye

From: Cam

It's a good thing I'm already here! I'll see you when you get here!

I explain to Tyler where I'm going and rush to get ready, grateful that Starbucks is only a few minute's walk from this hotel. I rush out the door, yelling goodbye to Tyler, who's lounging on the couch. I get to the café in no time, immediately seeing Cam. She comes over to me and gives me a hug. I pull back to smile at her, and from that moment, I can already tell something isn't right. We both go up and order something simple before going to sit at one of the small tables in the corner. We start talking and chatting about everything that's going on in our lives. It might just be me, but the conversation seemed a bit strained on her part. I sigh and interrupt her, not even listening to what she was saying.

"Okay, what's wrong?" She opens her mouth and then closes it, looking away.

"I can't do this. I thought I could, but I can't." I look at her confused, and she looks at me, no longer smiling or looking nice. "Come on, Troye. I'm trying here, but this isn't normal. I don't feel comfortable talking to a fag."

I gasp before looking down, gripping onto my cup. Well, that was...unexpected. Very unexpected. I never really thought Cam would be homophobic. I mean, she's always been one of my closest friends. We even stayed in touch when she away from Australia to London. She seemed supportive when we were talking over text, but this is the first time we've talked in person since I came out.

"We can't be friends. I tried, but I can't look at you without thinking of all the sins you're committing, it's rather disgusting. Why didn't you ever try to get help? I'm sure it wouldn't have taken much to fix you."

I refuse to look back up at her, speechless. I literally feel sick to my stomach. This is definitely not what I was expecting when she asked to meet up.

"Fixed? You think I need to be fixed?" I look up at her, incredulously. "Cam, I'm not broken, I don't need help. There's nothing about me that needs to be fixed." She looks at me, wrinkling her nose.

"Please don't call me that. That's only something my friends call me. If you ever do realize your mistakes, I can get you the help you need." She gets up and looks down at me with a face of mixed sympathy and disgust. She walks out and I sit for a few moments, trying to process it all. An older lady sitting next to our table turns to look at me, obviously eavesdropping on our conversation.

"You should really listen to that lovely girl. She's right, you know. Has all her priorities straight in her brain, unlike sinners like you." My mouth drops at the way this lady was talking to me as if I was a piece of scum stuck to the bottom of her shoe. That was it for me and I get up and leave the café, tears brimming in my eyes. It takes me slightly longer to get back to the hotel, but I'm grateful to see no sign of Tyler once I make it up to our room. I immediately go straight to the bathroom, closing the door and reaching for my razor blades.



So how do y'all feel about Cam?

^Comment your thoughts about what just happened please!

I really need feedback. I've been getting so many votes (thanks btw), but barely any comments! I used to be one of the people that never commented, but please do! I realize now how much it helps and motivates me to write more when you guys comment. I might start dedicating chapters to people who comment also, cause there are some of you who always do. Believe me, I ALWAYS read your comments (:

^ did anyone actually read that?



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Twitter: GiveMeKeaton

Just A Bromance (Troyler Fanfic) [ Tyler Oakley + Troye Sivan ]Where stories live. Discover now