Chapter 25 - Tyler's POV

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Tyler's POV.

I sit quietly, my hands wrapped around a cup of coffee that had lost its heat a while ago. It's been a long night of sitting in the waiting room, and no matter how many times I try to get the doctor to speak with us, he won't because we aren't immediate family. I have to force myself not to scream at him, telling him that Troye's family won't be here until later.

That was the hardest phone call I've ever had to make, calling Troye's family and telling them that their son was in the hospital and might not make it.

I feel my eyes start to droop and shake myself awake. I can't fall asleep until I know Troye will be okay. I stare down at the floor with empty eyes. He has to be okay. He HAS to. I feel a hand start rubbing my back, and I look up to see Zoe, her eyes red and a weak smile on her face.

I feel my eyes start bringing with tears again and she looks away, biting her lip. I can see her lips moving, but I can't hear what she's saying. It's like it goes in one ear and out the other.

The nurse comes out and informs us that we can see Troye, which I think is a bit weird. They won't tell us how he is, but they'll allow us in his room? Zoe gets up and I also rush to get up, almost falling over due to the fact that I've been sitting all night.

A light grip on my arm steadies me, and I smile weakly at Alfie, who had shown up on my other side. All three of us make our way down to intensive care. I pause outside the room, nervous to go in. Zoe and Alfie step back and let me take my time, not rushing me. I take a deep breath before walking into the room.

I feel myself tearing up more when I see the motionless body on the bed. It looks like he's just sleeping, but he's paler than normal. His arm is wrapped up and there's several needles sticking in to him, most likely giving him fluids, and one is giving him blood.

I freeze in the middle of the room, not able to muster up the energy to move any longer. I sink to the floor, crying. It's the worst feeling in the world, seeing the love of your life on the brink of death.

I feel hands underneath me, picking me up and carrying me closer to the bed. Alfie sets me down in a chair next to the bed and I gently reach out and take Troye's hand in mine. I almost breakdown again, feeling how limp and lifeless it is in my hand.

I rest my head on the bed next to our hands, willing myself to forget. Even though I try my hardest to stay awake, I find its useless. Within minutes, my eyes are closing and I'm asleep.


I barely sleep, a part of my mind always conscious and listening to what's happening in the room. It's a while, possibly hours, later when I hear more murmurs around me.

"Shh don't wake him up!" A voice whisper-shouts.

"I wasn't even talking!" My eyes shoot open and I lift my head, seeing Tyde and Shaun standing in the room. Tyde looks like he's about to start bawling and I feel my heart break for him.

Shaun walks over and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"How you holding up?" I shrug slightly, and he nods his head understandingly.

I switch my attention back to Tyde, finding him staring at Troye. His eyes start to water and I hold my arms out to him, to which he collapses into me. I hold him as he cries and I can feel my eyes filling with tears too. Shaun quietly leaves the room as I comfort Tyde.

Soon, Tyde is snoring softly in my arms and I lay him down in the extra bed next to Troyes.

I go back to my seat next to Troye, and again link our fingers. I take a deep breath before speaking.

"So um, I've heard that even when people are in a coma, if that's what you're in, they can still hear. Troye, I don't know if you did this on purpose, or if it was on accident. All I know is that it's killing me to see you lying here, knowing I couldn't help you. And if you wake up, no, WHEN you wake up, I will spend every waking moment making sure you feel wanted and special. Troye...I-I love you. So much."

I start crying again after finishing my little speech. I continue crying, even as I feel a little twitch in Troyes hand. A moment later, I freeze, looking down at Troye's hand and seeing it move again. I hold my breath as I look up to Troye's face.

"Troye?" I question in disbelief. His eyelids flutter and I move to the edge of my seat excitedly. I gasp when his eyes finally open.

"Troye, omg thank god you're awake! I missed you so much. Don't you ever scare me like this again." I hug him carefully and pull back. All the joy I felt when I realized he would be okay and he was awake disappeared when he opened his mouth to speak.

"Um thanks but...who are you?"


Another cliffhanger!

^Don't kill me...

So thoughts?!

Do you guys think he seriously doesn't remember Tyler? Or...?

Seriously need your guys feedback!

I might upload again tonight...not sure.

Comments! (Please)


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