Chapter 19

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Tyler's POV.

After Troye walks out, I sit staring at the wall for a while. It seems practically impossible for me to fix this but I know I have to try anyways. I guess Troye went to Zoe and she must have told Alfie, because after god knows how long of silence, Alfie's walking into my room. He comes and sits next to me, not saying a word. I run my hands over my face, groaning.

"I'm an idiot." He looks over at me, nodding his head in agreement.

"Love makes us do stupid things." I look back over to him as he says this. I don't love I? We aren't even dating, I can't love him. But I can easily see it happening, it wouldn't take much before I was hopelessly falling for him. So this is just a crush. But why would I be this heartbroken if it was just a crush? And Troye wouldn't be this upset either.

I groan, placing my head in my hands. Maybe I do love him. It's a little too late to tell him that though. Alfie sits with me for a bit, and while I know he's doing his best to comfort me, I also know he has no idea what to say. And I cant blame him for that because I don't know either. I've completely ruined any chance I could have had with Troye. Just thinking about Troye with another guy makes my eyes fill with tears. Alfie notices and pulls me into his chest. I cry harder.

"What am I going to do?" He shushes me, obviously not knowing either, leaning back against the headboard...just like I did with Troye yesterday. The thought makes me cry harder. I slowly feel myself drifting off and Alfie placing me down on the bed. Once he's left the room, I reach down and grab one of Troye's shirts off the floor and bring it close to me, inhaling the scent of Troye still on it. I let myself fall asleep with his shirt still clutched in my arms, a false sense of security.


Troye's POV

After waking up after a short nap in Zoe's room, I head back to my room, praying Tyler is gone. When I walk in, I freeze at the sight of Tyler on the bed, but relax again once I realize he's asleep. I notice tear tracks on his face and him clutching a shirt in his arms...MY shirt.

I sigh and walk over. It's easy to see he's shivering so I place the cover over his exposed body. What? Just because I'm upset, doesn't mean I don't still care for him? It's not his fault really, if he doesn't like me, then he doesn't like me. Nothing I can do about that.

I rub my eyes, feeling tired again. Crying really does drain your energy. I look around the room and bite my lip when I realize there's no other option than to join Tyler in the bed. I sit down on the edge of the bed, pulling out my phone and scrolling through twitter and such. As much as I try not to, I can't help but go straight to Tyler's page to see if he's written anything. To my surprise, he has posted since we've arrived here.

"@tyleroakley Can't wait to spend as much time with my little Aussie this week as possible!" - yesterday morning

"@tyleroakley Alcohol doesn't fix your problems like you'd wish, it just makes more #NoMore #NeverAgain" from today.

Wait, so he was drunk when he was with that guy? I mean, that doesn't make it all the sudden okay, but it still makes me feel slightly better about it.
I suddenly hear rustling behind me and am about to get up and leave again when his voice stops me.

"Please don't leave again!" He calls out desperately, and I stop and turn back again. His eyes look sad and I can't help but climb into bed with him and hugging him, placing my head under his. I think we both release a breath of relief after going almost a whole day fighting. Don't get me wrong, I still don't believe him, but he is my friend after all. Nothing wrong with a friendly cuddle. I relax into him and his hands seem to be a bit restless, rubbing up and down my sides and back.

He trails his hands up to my sleeve and pulls it up slowly, taking off the bandage which wasn't even needed anymore. He looks down upon my wrist with sad eyes and I look at him confused as he leans down. My eyes widen and I want to cry when he places a soft kiss on my most recent cuts and starts trailing kisses over all the old scars.

"I know you don't believe me, but I will prove to you how much I care, no matter how long it takes." He smiles at me sadly and I can't help but to smile back. He's right, I don't fully believe him, but he's here right now and that's all that matters.


I seriously have no idea what's even happening in this story right now. Like I plan what I want to do with it before I start writing and then when I'm done writing a chapter, I look back and am just like, "That was not supposed to happen."

Literally the past five chapters were not meant to happen. And now I can't do what I was going to do so I might just do another fanfic with my original plans when I'm done this one - would anyone read it?

Feedback? Thoughts?



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Twitter: GiveMeKeaton

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