Chapter 11

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Troye's POV.

For the most part, I get a good nights sleep. Great, even. It's very surprising actually, seeing as most nights lately I've been tossing and turning, waking up almost every hour. I yawn and go to stretch my arms when I realize they are restrained by something. What the...? I freeze when I register the warmth behind me and hear soft snores. Holy shit. I'm in bed with Tyler Oakley. And by in bed, i mean sleeping. Not that I would mind doing something else in bed with him. I blush profusely at the thought.

He nuzzles closer to me in his sleep, causing me to smile. He's so adorable. Suddenly, the urge to pee becomes too much and I'm forced to untangle my limbs from Tyler's. What a shame since I really enjoyed that. Before I can fully get out, Tyler tightens his hold on me and pulls me closer and I sigh.

"No leave me." he says, still half asleep.

"Tyler, I need to use the bathroom."

"But your my pillow, your so comfy, I can't sleep without my pillow with me." He murmurs, still holding onto me for dear life. I chuckle quietly. He really is too cute for his own good. And mine. I force his arm off me causing him to groan.

Laughing, I make my way to the bathroom to relieve myself and start getting ready for the day. I style my hair and brush my teeth before hopping into the shower. I spend quite a few minutes in the shower, just pondering pointless things in my mind. When I hop out, I wrap a towel around my waist and then groan to myself when I realize I forgot to bring in a change of clothes. I sigh and decide to walk out into the room anyways. Hopefully Tyler has already left to the kitchen for breakfast.

My hopes are crushed when I open the door and I see Tyler sitting on the bed. He immediately looks at me and his eyes widen. He takes his time looking down at my body and I see his eyes widen even more, looking a bit horrified to be honest. I look down and gasp. TROYE YOU FUCKING IDIOT. My most recent cuts were on my sides and were, therefore, on display for Tyler to see. My mouth goes completely dry and I quickly grab my clothes and go back in the bathroom before Tyler has a chance to say a thing. Shit shit shit shit shit shit shit is the only thing going through my mind right now.

How could I be so careless? Now he knows and he's probably completely disgusted with me. I mean, his face was absolutely horrified. I can't believe I just did that. I get dressed quickly and them slowly sink to the floor in front of the door. I put my head in my hands, crying silently to myself.

Troye, you are the biggest fuck up. Not only do you do such a disgusting thing to yourself, but you're stupid enough to let other people find out about it. God, Tyler is going to hate you now! No wonder nobody ever likes me...IM DISGUSTING AND AN IDIOT.

I hear a knock on the door and then a timid "Troye?" I recognize the voice as Tyler's and groan internally. "Please come out." I laugh sarcastically in my mind at the unintended pun. I slowly get up and open the door, stepping out. I look up at Tyler, who is Biting his lip as he looks back at me. Tyler takes a deep breath and is about to say something when all the sudden Zoe's voice is heard. She barges into the room, but pauses in the doorway and looks between us.

"Shit I interrupted something, didn't I?" She looks at us sheepishly.

At the same time, me and Tyler both answer.

"Yes." Tyler answers as I answer with a curt "No." I brush past Zoe to go to the kitchen, feeling both Tyler's and Zoe's gazes on my back. Alfie is sat at the table, eating a bowl of Cheerios. I also grab a bowl of the cereal and sit across from him. Tyler and Zoe soon come in and while Zoe seems to have already forgotten my weird behavior, I still feel Tyler watching me.

This is going to be a long day.

Tyler's POV.

After waking up fully, I blush at the thought of sleeping in the same bed as Troye. The idea doesn't seem like anything bad at all. In fact, I would probably prefer sleeping with him than in a bed by myself. He's like my own personal heater. Yeah...that's the only reason I want to sleep with him. Not because he's adorable...and cuddly...and warms my body fully...and helps me relax. Nope, not at all. Just the heating part...yeah.

I slowly sit up from the bed, looking around. I hear the shower turn off and footsteps coming towards the door. Trying to act casual, I sit back a bit as if I wasn't waiting for Troye.

He walks out with nothing but a towel around his waist. I take a moment to appreciate his great body but my eyes widen in horror when I see his sides. There's recent cuts on both sides and what looks like plenty of old scars underneath. Troye looks down and gasps. He grabs clothes and rushes back to the bathroom before I even have time to think.

I blink, unseeing. He...he cuts? Troye? But...he's always been the happy one? A million questions are running through my brain and my mind can barely focus on one right now. I get up and make my way to the door, knocking and calling Troye's name timidly.

"Troye, please come out." I say and I hear a bit of shuffling before the door opens. Troye comes out, this time wearing cloths. But it doesn't matter. I've already seen. Troye refuses to look me in the eyes and I take a deep breath. Just as I'm about to say something, the door opens and a cheery Zoe barges in. Really Zoe?

She freezes and looks between us.
"I interrupted something, didn't I?" She sighs and looks at us sheepishly. I answer her, glaring slighty.

"Yes." I say, but at the same time, Troye says, "No."

Troye brushes past Zoe out of the room and presumably to the kitchen. I watch him go. Does he think I'm going to let this go? No way in hell. I hate the thought of one of my friends hurting, especially Troye.

I turn my attention back to Zoe.

"You have the absolute worst timing." I say to her and she shrugs at me. I shake my head and decide to leave it for now. Zoe and I make our way to the kitchen, where Alfie and Troye are eating Cheerios. Zoe sits next to Alfie while I take the seat next to Troye. Not feeling hungry, I watch Troye, thinking.

I don't know what's wrong exactly...but believe me when I say I will find out. And I will fix matter what it takes.

Authors Note

So uhhh Tyler knows that Troye cuts...thoughts on that?

QOTD: If you HAD to pick your favorite between Tyler and Troye, who would it be?

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