Chapter 39 - Troye's POV

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Troye's POV.

Tyler shakes me awake early in the morning. I groan when I look out the window, seeing it's still dark out. I hate mornings so much. I turn in the bed, burying my face in the pillows and pushing Tyler away. I hear him chuckling behind me and I groan when cold air hits me as he pulls the covers off the bed.

"Tylerrrrrrrrr!" I whine at him and he just shrugs innocently. "Asshole." He places a hand over his chest and gives me a look of mock hurt. I slowly get out of the bed, dragging my feet with me as I walk over to him and just glare at him.

"Goodmorning Troye." He says, cheerfully. I growl under my breath. Stupid asshole waking me up this early. I swear, if it was anybody else. He leans up to kiss me and I almost let him before I remember. Morning breath. I gasp, covering my mouth and turning on my heel, marching into the bathroom. He watches me, amused, as I frantically brush my teeth. As soon as I'm done, I practically leap back to Tyler, placing my lips on his. The force of my body colliding with his causes him to fall to the bed with me on top. I giggle slightly, pulling away from him. He smiles up at me and I feel my mood lift considerably. Now it's a good morning.

"Kisses make everything better." I lean in and kiss his lips once more before getting up, pulling Tyler along with me. We head into the kitchen and again realize there's no food. Tyler suggests just stopping somewhere on the way and I agree. After checking to make sure everything is packed and nothing is left behind, we get ready to leave. Not feeling like getting dressed, both Tyler and I just pull on sweatpants and t-shirts. We leave our room and head down to check out.

"Should we wake him up?" Tyler whispers to me.

"No, we'll just leave him here and never give the room key back." I roll my eyes at Tyler. "Yes, we should wake him up!"

We stand for a few seconds, looking on at the sleeping man behind the desk in the hotel lobby. Tyler cautiously grabs his shoulder and shakes him.

"Um, excuse me..." He shakes him again, not getting any response other than a loud snore.

"Oh my goodness, WAKE UP." The man jolts awake, jumping back as the first thing he sees is Tyler's face in front of his in close proximity.

"Uh...sorry, may I help you?" I cover a hand to cover my laughter at his sleepy voice. I zone out as Tyler checks us out of the hotel and we leave, looking back to see the worker already well on his way back to sleep. We catch a ride to the airport, totally forgetting to stop for food. We wouldn't have had any time to anyways. We make it the airport with just ten minutes to spare, and by the time we're through security and everything, the plane is boarding passengers. We make it to our seats and I call dibs on the window seat. Tyler groans and I smirk at him.

"You snooze, you lose." He crosses his arms, pouting as he turns away from me. I wrap my arms around him from, the position a bit awkward because of the seats. He gives up on pouting and turns back to me, pecking my lips. He turns to glare at a lady who makes a disapproving sound as I spot a girl with her phone pointing towards us as she squeals in delight. My eyes widen as I faintly hear a squeal of "Troyler is real" leave her lips. Noting we have a few minutes before the plane officially takes off, I silently get up and make my way over to her. She goes crazy when she sees me coming her way.

"Are you and Tyler dating? Have you told anyone yet? Omg you guys are so cute together!" I smile a bit at her excitement before crouching down next to her.

"Yeah, we are. But listen, we haven't told anyone but Zoe and Alfie so I would really appreciate it if you wouldn't tell anybody and don't post any video or picture you took. And thanks, I think so too."

I smile softly at her as she agrees. She does unlock her phone to show me one of the photos, asking if it was okay for her to post it. I agree to that seeing as it's a cute photo of us laughing and it's not really a photo that would reveal our relationship. She then scrolls over to the next photo and I can't help the smile on my face. It isn't one that could be posted now, but it's really cute. I bite my lip before asking her to send it to me, to which she excitedly agrees. I take a selfie with her before heading back over to my seat, where Tyler's waiting for me.

"Met a fan?" He smiles at me and I nod, smiling also. I unlock my phone as I get a new message, opening the photo and immediately saving it and making it my lock screen.

"She got a photo of us kissing, but she promised not to post it or say anything." I open the photo again, tilting my phone screen so Tyler can see it.

"Awe, we're so adorable." I agree with him and then send it to his phone so he has it also. I lean back and relax as the plane takes off.

The airport is absolutely crazy when we land in Perth. We make our way to luggage and Tyler trails behind me, not knowing the airport as well as I do. I receive a text from my dad, saying he'd be here soon, so Tyler and I go wait outside. I lean on Tyler slightly, feeling tired after getting barely any sleep on the nearly 19 hour flight. It's dark out outside and even after all the traveling I've done, I'm still fascinated by the time differences. I mean, it was around 6 in the morning on Friday when we left London, and it's almost 6 in the morning on SATURDAY here in Perth when we landed.

I spot my dad and practically cry with relief. I just want to get home and sleep, and I'm sure Tyler does too. We're both quiet as we hop in the car with him, after giving him a hug of course. I'm assuming my dad understood that we were tired, because he didn't try to ask us any questions and instead, let us relax.

When we get to the house, nobody else is awake and I quietly thank my dad for picking us up before heading up to my room, pulling Tyler along with me. I look over at Tyler, who's been silent the entire time. I don't know whether to laugh or feel bad for him as I notice how tired he is. Neither of us bother to change, instead just falling to the bed. Within seconds, Tyler's arms are around me and we're both fast asleep on the bed.



Slightly longer update! The chapters are usually a lot longer when I write on my laptop since I can actually see how long it is, which I can't do on my ipod.

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Just A Bromance (Troyler Fanfic) [ Tyler Oakley + Troye Sivan ]Where stories live. Discover now