Chapter 53 - Tyler's POV

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Tyler's POV.

"TROYE!" I run out of the room after him, cursing under my breath. The front door slams shut I abruptly stop right before I run over my own mother.

"Tyler, calm down. He probably just needs time to think." My mom puts her hands on my shoulders, trying to stop me from going after Troye.

"Mom! I need to go explain what I meant." I look over at the door longingly and she sighs.

"Give him some time. I'm sure he'll come back on his own." I scowl at her, looking out the window at the snow coming down.

"Mom, it's snowing and he just ran out without a coat! And he won't come back because he's never been here before! He'll be lost within ten minutes." She let's go of me and steps back. I go towards the door again, but she stops me.

"Tyler, are you really going to go out like that? Put on a coat and bring an extra one for Troye." I look at her for a second before nodding. Yeah, that might be a good idea. I rush to the closet, grabbing two big heavy coats. I pull one on before turning back to the door. Dammit, Troye, why'd you run out? My mom stops me one last time and I roll my eyes.

"What?!" She raises an eyebrow, crossing her arms at me. "Sorry mom, what else is there?" I tap my foot impatiently, my eyes widening as she holds out the promise ring that was forgotten on the kitchen floor. I smile at her in thanks, kissing her on the cheek and taking it from her hand. Finally having everything, I rush towards the door, throwing a quick "Thanks, mom!" behind me.

I start walking, already cold even in my jacket. After walking for ten minutes on an empty road, I veer off and turn into a pathway in the woods. I scan the woods around me as I walk, looking for brown hair sticking out against all the white.

"Troye?!"Every few minutes or so, I call out his name, pausing to hear if there's a response. I groan when I get no responses. I finally stop walking, running a hand across my face, frustrated. My hand suddenly freezes as my ears pick up quiet sniffling from close by and I wonder if maybe by some stroke of luck, I've actually found Troye.

"Troye?" The noise completely stops at the sound of my voice and I practically run towards where it was coming from. Rounding the tree, I gasp when I see Troye sitting against a tree with his arms around himself. "I was calling for you." He doesn't look up at me, keeping his eyes focused on the ground. Troye simply shrugs his shoulders and I sigh. I pull him up, with no help from him, might I add. He grits his teeth, crossing his arms and staring down at the ground still. I bite my lip before simply wrapping a coat around his shoulders. He shrugs it off immediately despite the cold and I grit my teeth, picking it back up and holding it down on his shoulders.

"I don't care if you're pissed at me, Troye. Put the damn coat on before you freeze to death." He looks up and I'm slightly taken aback by the anger in his eyes. I open my mouth to speak but he cuts me off before I have a chance.

"Can we just go?" I'm silent for a second before nodding my head, not saying a word. I turn away as I wait for him to put the jacket on, running a hand through my hair. We walk the entire way back in tense silence, neither of us speaking and I internally groan. When we finally get back to the house, my mom gives us each a cup of hot chocolate and makes her exit, giving us space to talk. I almost immediately put my cup down, not being able to stay still long enough to even drink it. Troye sits on the couch with his cup in his hands, silent as I pace back and forth and run my hand through my hair several times, trying to plan what I'm going to say. I finally give up, walking over and sitting on the coffee table right in front of Troye, close enough to touch him.

Just A Bromance (Troyler Fanfic) [ Tyler Oakley + Troye Sivan ]Where stories live. Discover now