Chapter 26 - Troye's POV

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Troye's POV.

My body feels heavy and everything is dark around me. I try to open my eyes but nothing happens. The quiet murmurs that I hear around me slowly stop and its silent for a while.

Out of nowhere comes an unfamiliar voice.

"So um, I've heard that even when people are in a coma, if that's what you're in, they can still hear. Troye, I don't know if you did this on purpose, or if it was on accident. All I know is that it's killing me to see you lying here, knowing I couldn't help you. And if you wake up, no, WHEN you wake up, I will spend every waking moment making sure you feel wanted and special. Troye...I-I love you. So much."

If I had been able to, I probably would have furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. This guy knows my name, but I don't know his. His voice is unfamiliar to me...unfamiliar but not unwelcome. I actually rather enjoy the sound of this guys voice. I again try to move any part of my body, wanting to see the guy. Maybe if I see him, I'll remember him.

As I start to regain feeling in my body, I feel a weight on my hand, and focus my energy on that. I hear a shocked gasp and then somebody whispering my name again. I then try again to open my eyes. I succeed, but close my eyes quickly because of the bright light. I slowly open my eyes again, keeping them open this time.

I look over to see a guy with blindfish purplish? hair looking at me with tears in his eyes. A smile grows in his face and I can feel one grow on my face in response. Unfortunately, I still don't recognize him.

He hugs me while saying how glad he is that I'm okay and how much he missed me. I search my mind, trying to figure out if I knew this guy, but I don't remember ever seeing him before. Who is he? I look at him and speak my thoughts.

"Um thanks but...who are you?"

I immediately regret saying anything when his face drops. His eyes fill with tears again, but he blinks them back. He leans back into his chair , silent.

"You're joking, right?" He laughs, looking slightly scared as he watches me. I look at him sadly, frowning.

"I'm sorry...I don't know who you are...should I?" His face drops more.

"Troye, this isn't funny or amusing." I feel so bad as I can hear the desperation seeping into his voice.

I obviously mean something to him and I try with everything in me to remember him to no avail. He bites his lip before looking back at me.

"I'm Tyler. Do you know who Zoe is?" I shake my head slowly. Who's Zoe? "Alfie? Dan? Phil? Louise? Caspar?" He becomes more desperate with every name, as I shake my head to each one. Who the hell are all these people?

"Troye, how old are you?"

"16. Why?" He looks away for a second, looking deep in thought.

"'s 2013." I shake my head, denying the statement. "Troye, you're 18." No. That's not possible. I'm 16 years old. He sighs, looking upset.

He pulls out a phone, unlocking it and holding it out to me. I look to see a picture of Tyler Except I look older and different.

"Troye, that's you. You aren't 16 anymore." I shake my head, my eyes filling with tears. There's no way, NO way that I've just missed out on 2 year of my own life.

"Do you want me to get the doctor?" I shake my head yes, still not able to bring myself to speak again. Tyler leaves and I hear murmuring outside in the hall. I hear something shifting nearby and turn to see my brother sitting up next to me. I gasp, seeing how much older he looks now.

So Tyler was telling the truth. could I possibly forget two years of my life? Tyde stares at me in shock before lunging over to hug me. I wince as he nudges my arm, causing me to look down at it, frowning. Why the hell is my arm all wrapped up.

"Troyeeee? Hellooooo?" I realize I zoned out and turn back to Tyde, who has a worried look on his face. "You okay?" He asks and I shake my head no.

"I don't remember them." He goes to speak but I interrupt him. "Tyler, Zoe, the other people...I don't remember them."

Tyde looks at me wide-eyed and says nothing as he hugs me again. We both sit in silence for what seems like forever, but is probably only 5 minutes.

I look up when the door opens and in walks the doctor, followed by my parents, Tyler, and two people I don't know, one girl and one guy.

"Troye, how are you feeling?" The doctor looks at me above his glasses and I shrug. "So it seems you have a bit of memory loss, correct?" I nod my head slowly, looking over at Tyler.

The girl that came in with Tyler steps forward. "You don't know me, do you?" She asks and I look down, shaking my head. She steps closer and puts her hand on mine.

"It's alright, Troye. It's not your fault. I'm Zoe, and that's Alfie." She points back to the guy that came in with them, and I look him over, truing to find something familiar. Nope, nothing.

The doctor has everybody leave the room, wanting to give me privacy while he explained why I was in the hospital. Once everyone is out, he starts speaking.

" you recall any thoughts of being suicidal or anything of the nature?" I freeze and consider lying, but his voice stops me. "It's extremely important that you tell the truth."

"I used to...uh hurt myself, but I never wanted to die." He jots something down on his paper before looking back at me.

"Hurt yourself how? And how long ago was this?" I gulp and look down before answering.

"Cutting. I did until I was almost 16, and haven't since." He looks back at me.

"Well, it seems you relapsed fairly recently. You have cuts as recent as last week on your body. And two days ago, you went a little too deep, landing you right here in this hospital room. Now what we're trying to figure out, is if you meant to kill yourself, or was it an accident. Obviously, we can't ask you since you don't remember."

I gasp as I take in the information. So that's what I'm here for? I tried to... Maybe I didn't. But that doesn't explain why I can't remember anything. I speak my thoughts to the doctor and he sighs.

"From what the paramedics saw of the hotel bathroom, it's small and cramped. We can only assume that when you made the cuts, you were standing up. From there, when you fainted from loss of blood, you may have hit your head on the bathroom counter, and if not that, you definitely hit it hard on the floor when you fell."

I keep my head down as he speaks, trying to process everything. He asks if I have any further questions, which I do not, and then allows everyone to reenter the room. Only my dad comes back in the room, sitting down at the edge of the bed.

"Troye, I know you probably want to go home to Australia with us," I nod my head in agreement. Wait, where am I now? "But...We think it would be best for your memory if you stay here in England with Tyler and your friends. Maybe if you spend some time with them, you'll remember something." So I'm in England...WAIT.

"I have to stay in a foreign country with people I don't know?!" I cry out and my dad sighs.

"Troye, they aren't strangers. You may not know them now, but last week, they were your best friends."

I agree reluctantly, knowing it was for the best. Besides, I had already started to take a liking to Tyler.

Seconds later, everybody else walks in and the doctor discharges me (after checking my blood pressure and that I'm healthy and safe, of course).

I hug my parents and Tyde goodbye, crying, before we head out to the parking lot. Tyler stops me before we go outside, pulling me to the side.

"Um, you should probably know something before we go out there. You're a famous youtuber." I look at him in disbelief. No way. "Yes way. So when we go out there, there are cameras, there are fans, there will be people asking you about this. My advice is to ignore them. It'll give you more time to decide what you're going to tell them. You can post a video later explaining everything if you want to be truthful, or you'll have to make something up."

I nod slowly, still trying to process all the information. Tyler and I head out to the parking lot, past all the commotion, and into the car, where Zoe and Alfie are waiting. They smile at us before starting the car and leaving.

Before long, they're dropping us off at a hotel. Tyler leads me up to our room, shows me where everything is, and we get ready for bed. I pause, unsure, when I see only one bed.

"Uh...we usually just sleep together, but if you're uncomfortable with that, I can sleep on the couch." He rubs his neck and I smile, remembering how he does that when he's nervous. My eyes widen and I hug him. He looks at me, confused.

"I remembered something about how you rub your neck when you're's not much but it's a start, right?" He smiles back at me, agreeing.

Wanting to stick to whatever we did before, hoping it will help me regain my memory, I agree to share the bed.

We both get in and Tyler pulls me into him, and while it should be weird since I only just "met" him today, it feels normal. I smile to myself, making myself relax and slowly drift asleep.


So most of you picked option 2!

^Believe me, I want this to be as happy as possible also, so I will try my best to make his memory be regained soon

In the meantime, enjoy some cute fluffy Troyler stuff while Tyler tries to make Troye remember him (:

So do you guys see how he lost his memories (he hit his head).

**** UPDATE: yes technically trove was a fan of tylers so he should know who he is when he is 16 but lets pretend that he doesn't okay thanks bye ****

Feedback. Is. Important.



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Just A Bromance (Troyler Fanfic) [ Tyler Oakley + Troye Sivan ]Where stories live. Discover now