Chapter 38 - Tyler's POV

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Tyler's POV.

As Troye finishes packing, I head out to the lounge and grab my laptop. I bring up plane tickets and wait for Troye to come out. When we're both looking at the screen, we decide on flight times.

Troye texts his family, ensuring they would be able to pick us up at the airport once we reach Perth tomorrow. We get the tickets and I close out of my laptop. I jump when arms snake around me and a head rests on my shoulder. I relax and lean back into Troye, already comfortable.

While some people may find sitting in complete silence awkward, I'm rather comfortable just cuddling with my boyfriend. Troye places a soft kiss on the side of my neck and I smile softly.

"I love you." The moment seemed intimate and I felt the need to keep my voice quiet as I said it. I practically feel his smile against my skin as he whispers back.

"I love you more." I turn to smile at him.

"Impossible." I wink and he laughs before his face suddenly becomes serious. He leans in slightly and I look at him, confused. He places a hand on my cheek softly and smiles at me. My breath leaves me as I stare at the beautiful boy before me. I don't think it will ever process in my mind that he's really mine.

He smiles wider before placing his lips on mine, kissing me softly. I practically feel the love he's conveying through his lips and we stay like that for a few minutes, just kissing softly.

He pulls back, giving me a shy smile and I lean forward, pecking his lips once more. He giggles and I smile. He's so cute. We sit in silence again and any onlooker might think we look crazy, just sitting with giant smiles on our faces. After a little while, I look over at the time and decide we should head to bed since we have an early flight tomorrow.

"Troye, lets go to bed." I get up, waiting for a reply. I frown when I don't get one, turning around. My frown turns into a soft smile as I see Troye had already fallen asleep on the couch. I debate over leaving him on the couch, carrying him to the bed, or waking him up before shaking him slightly.

"Troye, babe, wake up." He groans slightly and I shake him a bit more. "TimTam, get up." his eyes open and he looks up at me sleepily.

"Whaaaaa?" I awe to myself at his cuteness. I pull out my phone and open my Instagram app, not being able to resist. I start taking a video just as Troye begins sleeping again.

"Tylaaa, I wanna go bed." He barely pronounces the words and as he speaks, he lifts a hand up to rub at his eyes sleepily. The video ends there and I post it with a simple caption of "Night y'all." Within seconds, people are commenting about Troyler, making me smile. It's good to know that even though they don't know it's real, they already have so much support for us.

I put my phone away and convince a sleepy Troye to get up. Damn, he takes forever to wake up...which could be a good thing right now since we are going straight back to bed, after all. I coax Troye into following me into the bedroom. He's like a puppy or child when he's sleepy, now that I think about it. He goes to collapse on the bed, but I hold him back. He's still fully dressed!

As he leans on me, I take off his shoes, shirt and pants, leaving his boxers on. He's in bed immediately after I let him go. I laugh to myself, also undressing before hopping under the covers with him. I pull him into me and he immediately wraps an arm around me and buries his face in my chest, already half asleep.

"Night Troye." I say. He mumbles back a response which I assume is a goodnight, but I can't be sure since he's too tired to properly speak. I fall asleep with a smile on my face and my boyfriend in my arms.


Sorry for another short one! I was actually going to try to make this extra long to make up for all the short chapters lately but I completely forgot I was volunteering at the local animal hospital after school today and didn't have much time to write.

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