Chapter 9

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authors note:

this takes place a week after the last chapter (sorry for the skip ahead but it would have all been pointless filler chapters)

Troye's POV.

Laughing, me and Sage finish putting all my bags in the car. She smiles at me, still telling stupid jokes. I think she could tell I was a bit down this week, seeing as she's been acting a bit goofier than usual all week.

"Troye I'm gonna miss you!" She exclaims, wrapping her arms around me.

"Sagey, I'm only leaving for a week!" Last week, Alfie had called me back with all the arrangements for the trip. Him and "the little one", as he insists to call her, wanted to go as soon as possible, and seeing as I have no life whatsoever, I agreed this week was fine. We're going to some hidden resort in the Bahamas; it's apparently very secluded which is good so the trip won't have to be spent being mobbed by fans.

Don't get me wrong, I love my fans. It's just a bit overwhelming when you can't go anywhere without being noticed. The only thing I'm a bit worried about is the company.

Alfie and Zoe are going of course, and me. But when they asked everyone else, the only other person who said they would go was Tyler. Which yeah, I definitely don't mind seeing Tyler...but it's just going to be me and Tyler half the time because I'm sure Zalfie will want to spend some alone time together.

Not to mention the fact that I have to share a room with Tyler! How the hell am I supposed to control myself around him?! I mean, just LOOK AT HIM. I CAN'T DO THAT.

I quickly say my goodbyes to Sage and Tyde and my dad gives me a lift to the airport. He goes with me as far in as security allows me and we hug before I board. I get on the plane and plug my earphones in. I'm extremely happy when I find out the plane has wifi. I take out my laptop and log on to tumblr, settling back for the long plane ride.


Tyler's POV.

"I love you, Tyler" I feel my cheeks start to hurt from the force of smile. He loves me. TROYE loves ME, TYLER. I lean in to him and place my hand on his soft cheek. He smiles at me. We're both leaning in, I'm staring at his kissable lips now. I can't believe this is happening. Feeling his breathe on my lips, I lean in a bit more and just as his lips brush mine -

"WAKE UP TYLER! WE NEED TO GET TO LAX!" I'm jolted away when Zoe barges into my apartment, yelling to me as she comes. I groan at her.

"Gurl, couldn't you have waited one more minute! You interrupted the best dream of my life." I cross my arms and frown at her. She comes over and shakes my hair before throwing my glasses in my face.

"Stop sulking and get ready. I don't want to miss our plane." She stalks out of the room and I hear her starting to make breakfast. I sigh and get up and get dressed. Stupid Zoe barging into my stupid apartment during my stupid dream. Why couldn't I have just finished the dream? WHY?!

Skipping out on a shower today (WHAT? I can get one when we get there!), I head to the kitchen. Zoe places an omelette in front of me and I scarf it down. Just as I finish, I look up to see Zoe taking her last bite. She grabs the dishes and washes them and puts them away. See, this is why Zoe is my fav. She does all my work for me while I just sit back and relax. Good job Zoe.

"Okay we need to leave in 5 minutes, do you have everything packed?" She looks at me expectantly and all the color drains from my face when I realize I hadn't packed a single thing. I smile weakly at her.

"Uhh I guess I should go start that now, huh." I say before getting up. I can practically feel myself shriveling up under her harsh glare. She rushes in my room with me and we both start throwing random things into bags, Zoe muttering about me and my procrastination skills under her breath. Gurl, I'll have you know that I put the PRO in procrastination, okay?

We make it out to a taxi and to the airport just in time to board the plane. Well...almost. The flight attendants were already closing it when we got there, but they were nice enough to still let us on.

We take our seats and I start laughing.

"That was close." I say and I look over at Zoe. She's trying her hardest to keep a frown on her face but the twitch at the sides of her lips show that she's not really upset with me. Finally, she lets go and starts laughing with me. We both get out our laptops and surf the web. This will be a long flight.

Authors Note

So I think I'm going to be adding both POVs in each chapter from now on.

Please give me feedback?

Next Chapter on Friday IF this gets 11 votes and 7 comments!

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Just A Bromance (Troyler Fanfic) [ Tyler Oakley + Troye Sivan ]Where stories live. Discover now