Chapter 10

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Troye's POV.

I'm shaken awake by a flight attendant, and I realize the plane is at the airport. Looking around, I notice the entire plane is empty. The stewardess smiles at me and rests her hand on my arm.

"Sir, the plane landed 20 minutes ago. You're lucky this was our last flight and we're staying here for the day." She bites her lip and giggles. "Do you need help with anything?" She says in what I'm assuming she thinks is a seductive voice.

She leans over me, her shirt unbuttoned and her boobs popping out. I give her a weak smile, uncomfortable.

"I'm fine, thank you." I try to get up, but she's still in my way.

"Are you sure? I can help you with anything...and I mean absolutely anything." Is she really trying to flirt after I already turned her down. I force another weak smile on my face and start shaking my head. All the sudden, something happens which may possibly be the scariest experience of my life.

The stewardess climbs onto my lap and trails her fingers down my chest through my shirt. I grab her hand while she smirks at me.

"Uhhhh, I'm gay." I gently push her off, wide-eyed and uncomfortable. Her face immediately turns red and she gets up, slowly walking away. She mutters under her breath, something about all the hot guys being gay. I shudder. That was just terrible.

I stand up and grab my carry-on bag, making sure my laptop and phone are there. I make my way off the plane, passing the stewardess again, making her blush again, embarrassed.

I make my way to the luggage area and grab my suitcase before pulling out my phone. I'm about to text Alfie when I see Alfie himself holding a sign. I glare at him as I walk up, which he laughs at. I take the sign and roll my eyes.

"Troye 'the twink' Sivan" it reads. Alfie laughs again looking at it.

"I thought it'd make a good laugh." I roll my eyes again, chuckling a bit. Gotta love Alfie. We walk out of the airport to the car and leave for Alfie's flat.

"Tyler and the little one arrived this morning, they're waiting for us back at the flat." He says, starting to turn out onto the street. I laugh a bit and he glances over at me. "What?"

"Nothing, it's just funny how you insist on calling Zoe 'the little one'." He laughs along with me.

"What? It's cute, isn't it?" I nod my head, agreeing. It's different, but cute.

We continue the rest of the ride in silence and I start chewing on the inside of my cheek, a nervous habit of mine. There's barely 5 minutes until we get to Alfie's flat. The flat where Tyler is. Shit, just calm down, Troye. It's just Tyler. You've seen him enough times, no need to be nervous.

Yeah, but it's been a while since we last saw each other...not to mention the fact that I've ignored all of his texts since he asked me what's wrong...what? Don't judge me! I couldn't bring myself to maintain a normal conversation. I don't think I can even maintain a conversation with him now...hence the reason I'm so nervous to get there.

"And we're here!" Alfie hops out of the car and I groan, looking up at the building nervously. I'm torn in two, half of me excited and happy to see my crush again, the other half dreading going up there and seeing him.

A knock on my window breaks my thoughts. "Hey, you coming?" I nod, getting out and following Alfie into the building.

Tyler's POV.

Zoe and I sat watching some television show, waiting for Alfie to get back with Troye. My hands are so sweaty from nerves. I have to wipe them on my jeans to get them to stop feeling so clammy. Don't worry, I've already had my freak out session after Alfie left. Thankfully, Zoe was there to slap it out of me. Literally.

But that doesn't mean I'm not still nervous. I'm just not showing it now. I smooth down my hair and wipe any smudges off my glasses, tapping my knee impatiently. Forget nerves, when the hell are they getting here? Dammit Alfie, drive faster! I just want to get this over with already and go to bed. Oh that reminds me. Since we're all staying at Alfie's for the night and he only has one guest room, guess who's sharing that room? Me. And Troye. THIS IS NOT GOING TO WORK.

Either I'm going to be really awkward and embarrassing, or I'm gonna freaking jump him or something. Don't judge me gurl, you know you would if you had the chance. I freeze as I hear the sound of a key being put into the doorknob. Shit, Alfie, you should have driven slower! I'm not ready for this dammit.

Alfie opens the door and I keep my head faced towards the television, not acknowledging his or Troye's presence. I feel a gaze on me and literally have to fight to keep my gaze locked on the tv. I hear Alfie and Zoe go into the small kitchen and that's when I feel the cushion beside me go down. I tense up a bit before relaxing my body. Holy shit, he's sitting next to me.

Omg shut up Tyler. He's your friend, you've seen him a billion times. Yeah, but I didn't know how I felt about him those other times and now I do and I just need to act normal. Well, sitting and ignoring him isnt normal either, Tyler.

Tyler, you're such an idiot. Look at you, getting into arguments with yourself. I look over at Troye and blush when I see he's already looking at me, an amused look on his face. Shit, does he know what I was thinking about? Shush Tyler, how would he know. Deciding to try my best to be normal, I turn to him.

"Well hello there! Come embrace!" I wrap my arms around him and he laughs.

"Just like the first time we met, yeah?" He smirks at me and I wink at him. If I'm not mistaken, then a faint blush comes over his face.

"Gurl, how have you been?" He smiles at me and I feel my heart melt a little inside. God, his smile is perfect. I see his lips stop moving and realize I missed what he was saying.

"Wait...what?" He raises my eyebrows and starts laughing.

"I said, I'm doing good, how about you?" I blush slightly. Tyler, you really need to stop doing that.

"Oh, I'm good today. Yeah." I turn back to the television and hear him chuckling to himself next to me. The blush that had just started to fade came back full force and I internally groaned. Zoe and Alfie pass us on their way to Alfie's room and we say our good nights.

Troye and I head to the guest room. Once we're both inside, we kind of stand there awkwardly.

"Uh, I'll just sleep on the floor." I say and Troye turns to look at me.

"no you can't do that! Don't worry, you can have the bed. I'm fine with the floor." He exclaims and I frown.

"No really, Troye. You can have the bed." I grab a blanket and pillow from the bed, thanking god that there were two sets of each. I place the blanket and pillow on the floor before lying down. Troye sighs and finally gets in the bed.

Twenty minutes later, I'm still tossing and turning. I just can't get comfortable, and even under the thick blanket, I'm still cold. After debating with myself, I slowly get up and glance over to the bed. Would Troye be creeped out if I hopped in bed? I decide not to think about that and slowly make my way over. I hop in and get under the covers.

Within the first minute I'm in the bed, Troye is cuddled up in my arms and I'm starting to drift asleep, warm and content. Troye snuggles closer to me in his sleep and I smile to myself. I could sure get used to this.

Authors Note

I know I said I'm not updating on Thursdays but SURPRISE?

So um...that stewardess scene...

Feedback please?

I'm gonna start doing a QOTD (Question Of The Day) now:

So...Who's your favourite Youtuber?

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Just A Bromance (Troyler Fanfic) [ Tyler Oakley + Troye Sivan ]Where stories live. Discover now