Chapter 40 - Troye's POV

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Troye's POV.

I chuckle at Tyler as he unsuccessfully tries to get dressed. It isn't really working with me pulling his pants down every time he puts them on. He finally gives up and I stand back, satisfied. What? It's only 10 in the morning and here he is, trying to get up. And there may be a small part of me that likes Tyler better without clothes...and I may have woken up with a little problem.

"You just want me to be naked, don't you?" He walks up against me and I smirk at him as I feel his body heat.

"Well, I certainly don't mind the view." I bite my lip, looking up at him as his eyes darken. I don't resist as he pushes me back onto the bed, crawling over me. And that, ladies and gentleman, is how you get what you want. Neither of us wanting to make the first move, we just stay like that for a minute. I, not wanting to be the one to give in, decide to use one of Tyler's weaknesses against him. Lip biting. The second I bite down on my lip again, he gives in and attaches our lips. I can't help the moan that leaves my lips as I finally get what I want. One of Tyler's hands grips onto my hip while the other is places next to my head, holding him up so he isn't crushing me.

He kisses me roughly and I kiss back with the same intensity, absolutely loving the feeling of his lips on mine. Even as our tongues fight for dominance, we both know who will win. I give up the fight, moaning as Tyler sucks on my tongue before bring his own to lick inside my mouth, exploring everything possible. My legs unconsciously lift up and lock around his waist as my hands tangle in his hair. When the need to breathe finally becomes too much, we pull away from the kiss.

Tyler wastes no time before attaching his lips to my jaw and kissing down to my neck. I throw my head back, panting and needy. Fuck. I unconsciously tug on his hair and he moans against my neck, most likely replacing the fading love bite from last week. He finishes with my neck, pulling back and looking at it with a satisfied face before kissing down my chest. As he gets to the waistband of my boxers, my hips buck up and Tyler smirks at me.

I whine when he comes back up instead of going down like I want. I try to give him the puppy eyes but he just smirks more before attaching our lips again. Well, I guess that's okay too. This time, I immediately give him all control in the kiss.

"T-Tyler." I moan into his mouth and he groans. I buck my hips up once again and gasp when I feel the contact of our groins through our boxers. He starts grinding down into me and I'm a babbling mess now. Our lips are still together, but we aren't even kissing anymore. It's more like we're just panting against each other. I almost completely lose it when he thrusts down quick and hard, throwing my head back, moaning loudly. He takes the opportunity to again start sucking on my neck. My hands run up and down his back as he thrusts down again and again. I wouldn't be surprised if he's left with scratch marks all over his back.

Hearing a slight shuffle nearby, I open my eyes and try to shake myself out of the pleasurable haze I'm in. I gasp in mortification when I see my father leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed. Tyler's stopped by now and is also staring at my dad in horror. He raises an eyebrow and I open my mouth to speak but nothing comes out.

"Oh, don't mind me. Just getting some Troyler action for the shippers." He gestures down to a video camera in his hand and my mouth opens in shock.

"DAD!" I yell at the same time as Tyler lets out a "MR MELLET!" He shrugs at us, laughing slightly. He closes the camera before slowly walking backwards out of the room, shutting the door as he goes. Seconds later, we hear screams of "TROYLER IS REAL."

Oh my god. Did that really just happen? I am absolutely completely mortified. How the hell am I supposed to walk out there and pretend my dad didn't just walk in on his son and another boy practically humping? I look over to Tyler, seeing him in almost the exact same position as me. I can't see his face since he has his hands covering it, but practically his entire body is beet red. Mine probably is too. I reach over and pry his hands off his face, laughing to myself as I see how utterly horrified he is that my dad saw that. His entire face is redder than I've ever seen before and we both just look at each other for a bit.

"That was..." He starts and pauses, trying to find the right word.

"Embarrassing, Mortifying, Awkward," I fill in a few words for him and he groans again.

"Absolutely horrifying. I am never going to be able to look him in the eyes again." He looks up at me and while I can see he is extremely embarrassed, I can also tell he's a bit amused too. We look at each other for a bit longer, and I can't take it anymore. I start cracking up laughing and soon, Tyler is too. You know that kind of laugh where you literally just can't stop? That's what this is. I grasp both of Tyler's arms, holding on to steady myself as we laugh hysterically. Tyler falls back with me on top of him, laughing into his chest. It takes forever for us to calm down, and I find myself with my head on his chest and him running a hand through my hair. The moment is ruined my mum's voice calls us down for breakfast.

I groan and get up. We both get dressed quickly and leave the room. Tyler hesitates before we go down, pouting.

"Do we have to?" He blushes again and I chuckle.

"Yes, come on, they won't even talk about it." They probably will but I'm not going to tell him that or else he'll never go down. If I have to go down there and be teased by my dad, I am sure as hell not facing all the jokes and embarrassment on my own. I pull Tyler down the stairs after me, bracing myself for an embarrassing breakfast with the family. Tyler and I head into the kitchen where the rest of my family are already eating. I grab two plates, filling both with food, ignoring the stares from them. I look behind me to see Tyler looking at the ground, blushing slightly. We sit at the two open seats at the table, which are fortunately right next to each other. We start eating quietly, waiting for the questioning to start.

"So how long have you two been dating?" The questions start off simple and then Tyde decides to be an inappropriate little twerp.

"So you guys fucked yet?" My mouth drops open and Tyler's face goes red. Mum admonishes him while my dad sits there laughing. I look down, not answering the question, quietly eating my food.

"Sure looked like they were about to when I walked in." My dad decides to add to it. My eyes widen and I look up at him. DAD!

"Seriously?! You haven't even been dating a week! God, boys just can't keep it in their pants." Sage teases us and the blush that had just started fading comes back full force. I mean, yeah we haven't been dating for long but we've been friends for a while. Hell, we weren't even dating yet when we slept together. Tyler doesn't say anything all breakfast long and the blush doesn't leave his face the entire time. We excuse ourselves from the table, making a quick escape up to my room.

"You know, maybe we should get caught more often...I enjoy seeing you blush and this is the most I've ever seen you blush before." I smirk at him and he rolls his eyes at me, no longer blushing.

"Don't get used to it, babe." He pecks me on the lips before going over to the mirror to style his hair. I follow him over, styling mine also. Once we're finished, we sit down and plan our day. It will be fun to show Tyler around.


Sorry for the late update! Had no wifi and I still don't (when I wrote this).

Hope you enjoyed the longer update.

How about that scene with Mr Mellet ;)

Also, does anyone have any ideas of what they could do in Australia and what Troye could show him? Anyone that helps will get a dedication

Please remember to Vote AND Comment!

^Feedback means a lot!

Also, dedication to pudmuddy because I'm really glad you told me your honest opinion (I actually agree with you about the sleeping thing) (:

^Seriously guys, tell me if there's anything you don't like or could use improvement because it really does help me improve!

Message me on tumblr if you'd like.

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IG: tillyoakley

Twitter: GiveMeKeaton

Just A Bromance (Troyler Fanfic) [ Tyler Oakley + Troye Sivan ]Where stories live. Discover now