Chapter 51 - Tyler's POV

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Tyler's POV.

(Skipping straight to Christmas Eve/Christmas)

Troye and I quietly make our way to the front door of my mom's house, late Christmas Eve.

"Are you sure she won't mind me coming?" Troye stops me before I knock and I turn to him, holding his shoulders.

"Troye, she loves you! Believe me, she won't mind at all. Besides, I think she'll just be happy that I showed up when I said I wasn't going to be home for Christmas." He nods at me, still looking unsure. I roll my eyes, pulling him next to me as I knock on the door. We hear footsteps inside the house and few moments later, the door is being yanked open. My mom's eyes widen and she rushes forward to pull both of us into a giant hug.

"Tyler! Troye!" She squeezes tightly and I cough back a reply back.

"Mom...can't...breathe." She let's go suddenly and pulls back, smiling widely.

"I thought you couldn't come home?" I smirk at her slightly.

"I wanted to surprise you." She pulls me into another hug and ruffles me hair affectionately and I roll my eyes slightly. We enter the house and my mom heats up a dinner for us quickly. We sit talking for a while and Troye yawns, resting his head on my shoulder. My mom smiles fondly at us, snapping a picture before either of us can protest, smiling down at her phone.

"I think it's time to hit the sack. You two look positively exhausted." I nod, agreeing with her. I hug her goodnight and Troye hesitates slightly before hugging her too. She smiles at us and heads to her own room as we go to ours. Almost the moment we collapse into bed, my eyes are closing and I'm half asleep.


Waking up with a grumbling stomach and the smell of breakfast, I immediately sit up, rubbing my eyes slightly. I look around confused as I realize the Troye isn't in bed with me. Putting on my glasses, I get up, walking out of my room and down the hall to the kitchen. I pause in the doorway, watching Troye sit and talk with my family. I smile slightly as one of my younger cousins practically clings to him. He looks up and smiles at me.

"Merry Christmas, Tilly." The rest of the family looks up, standing up to greet me, seeing as most of them weren't here when I arrived last night. I go through and hug everyone before joining Troye at the table. I lean over and kiss his cheek, causing him to blush as my family coos. I take a bite of the eggs on his plate, feeling too lazy to get up myself and get my own. He doesn't seem to mind, pushing the plate over to me, rolling his eyes at me. I laugh, eating the rest of his eggs quickly, seeing as I was the last one out and everybody is just waiting for me before opening presents. Once I've finished, we all head into the living room where the tree is set up.

I cuddle with Troye on one of the sofas as we go around opening presents. Everybody loves their presents from me, or they pretend to at least. My mom hugs Troye and me at the same time so that I'm basically sandwiched between them. Soon, all that's left is Troye and my presents. My family gives me small little things, and my immediate family even got Troye something. I smile and thank them all and slowly, everybody starts leaving. That's what I like about Christmas and our family get-togethers. It's long enough to say hi and catch up, but it's short enough that it only takes a few hours before we can celebrate Christmas on our own. I turn to Troye, smiling slightly.

"I need to give you your present still." He smiles at me, pecking my lips lightly. My mom gets up and leaves, winking at me before she goes. I roll my eyes, even though she can't see me.

"You didn't have to get me anything, Tilly." He blushes slightly, smiling and I smile back.

"Shut up." He holds a hand to his chest in mock hurt, causing us both to laugh slightly. I reach into my back pocket nervously, rubbing the back of my neck as I feel the little box in my pocket. Troye raises an eyebrow and I laugh nervously. I pull out the box and his eyes widen.


"Don't worry, I'm not proposing! Not yet anyways." He blushes slightly at the fact that I might one day. I rub at the back of my neck again, feeling more nervous than before. "It's a promise ring. Just something to show how serious I am about us and how much I love you. And a promise that one day I will replace it with another ring." I bite my lip, not looking up at Troye. He's silent for a few seconds before he suddenly jumps on me and wraps his arms around me. He slams his lips onto mine, kissing me deeply. After a few minutes, he pulls away with tears in his eyes.

"You like it?" I smile hesitantly and he rolls his eyes, kissing me again.

"I love it. It's the most thoughtful and amazing gift I have ever gotten before and I love you so much." I let out a sigh of relief, smiling at him. He kisses me softly on the lips, only pulling back about an inch as he sits on my lap.

"I love you." I reach a hand up to cup his face softly,

"I love you too." He rests his head on my shoulder, straddling me now. I close my eyes, hugging him tightly to me. He suddenly pulls back, looking at me excitedly.

"I still have to give you your present!" I laugh as he gets up, pulling me up and practically rushing towards my room. He makes me sit before getting his guitar and sitting next to me. He smiles at me softly before starting to sing a song I have never heard before. I close my eyes, focusing on his voice and smiling. I open my eyes when he finishes, looking over at him softly.

"Did you write that?" He blushes, nodding slightly at me.

"It's not the best but -" I cut him off, gently kissing him. I pull back, smiling at him widely.

"It's amazing and an amazing gift. Nobody's ever written something for me before." I smile wider and he shrugs, still blushing.

"I wanted to get you another present, but I lost track of time and then it was suddenly Christmas." He shrugs sheepishly and I laugh.

"I'm perfectly okay with just the song. It's a thoughtful and amazing present and I love it." He smiles softly, pecking my lips before we head back out to join my mom for the rest of the day.



How many of you thought he was about to propose??? ;) nahh its too early for that.

Sorry for another short chapter but MERRY CHRISTMAS/HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

Hope you're all having a great Christmas and if Christmas is already over in your country, I hope you had a great Christmas! Do any of you not celebrate Christmas?

^Also, I did skip a lot of stuff and skimmed over because I don't exactly know the details about Tyler or Troye's family life. I just had to assume for the story that Troye doesn't celebrate Christmas because he's Jewish. And I really don't know who most of Tyler's family members are so I just kind of didn't go into detail there.

I won't set a goal this time but I hope y'all comment and vote! I'll try to update tomorrow!

Dedication: MichelleJustGotFired. A LOT of you suggested Troye writing a song, but she was the first one to suggest that so dedication goes to her! Thanks for the feedback hun :)

And thanks to everyone saying congrats :) love you all.

Message me on tumblr if you'd like.

Tumblr: tilly-oakley

Twitter: OakleyTilly

IG: tillyoakley

Just A Bromance (Troyler Fanfic) [ Tyler Oakley + Troye Sivan ]Where stories live. Discover now