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A/n: so this is after Vinnie got attacked, while Evie was pregnant.

Evie pov
A doctor came in. "Vincent Myers," he said. I got up and went over to him, my friends and Paint followed. "I'm his wife. How is he?" I asked. "Well he's going to be alright. Follow me so we can talk in private." He said. Fox and Carmen came with us. "For what we can tell, he seemed to have been caught in a fist fight before being shot In the shoulder, then injected in the neck with propofol. Which we usually give to patients before surgeries, it's an anesthesia. So he will be unconscious until it wares off." He said. "Can I see him?" I asked. "You may, but he's unconscious." The doctor said again. I got up. "Thank you so much." I said. "No problem, Your Highness." He said. He bowed then left. We followed him out. "He's in room 248." The doctor said.

We went to the room. Vinnie was asleep, his shoulder had gauze on it. I sat down in the chair by the bed. I started crying again. "It's gonna be alright." Fox said as he put a hand on my shoulder.

When it got close to curfew Fox and Carmen left, Vinnie still wasn't awake. Paint laid on the floor, I got up and walked over to the window. "Eve?" I turned around and Vinnie was awake. I went over and took his hand. "Hey how do you feel?" I asked. "Dazed." He said. I kissed him. He then went back to sleep.

I stayed sitting on the side of the bed, a knock came at the door. I looked up. "Daddy," I said as I got and went over and hugged him. Mom and Marisa came in behind him. I hugged them once Dad let me go. "Hey how are you?" Mom asked. "I'm getting better, Vinnie woke up for like a minute, but he went back to sleep. The doctor said he'd be in and out of it till the propofol leaves his system." I said. "Do they have an idea who did this?" Dad asked. "Darius Little." I said with my hands resting on my stomach. "Your Ex- boyfriend, Darius Little?" Mom asked. I nodded.

I told them about the nursery. "That's a shame." Mom said. "Mom?" Vinnie moaned. Marisa went over to her son. "Hey, baby. How do you feel?" She asked. I walked over and took his hand. "Hungry," he said. "I'll get a nurse." Dad said before leaving. Paint jumped up on the bed, Vinnie scratched his head. "Did they hurt you?" Vinnie asked me. "No why?" I asked. "They had two men follow you." He said. "I know I saw them, they followed me all the way back to the apartment." I said. "At least they didn't hurt you." He laid his hand on my stomach. Dad came back with a nurse. Marisa moved so the nurse could work. "How do you feel Mr. Myers," she asked. "Sore, still a bit dazed, and hungry." He said. "Well you had a nasty fight." She said. "They started it." He said. He scratched Paint's head. "What's his name?" The nurse asked about Paint. "Paint," Paint barked. "I'm sorry he's usually very quiet." I said. "No it's fine." She said. "well I'll see if the kitchen can send you something up." She said. "Thank you." Vinnie said.

The reason why I didn't add this into the chapter, is because It wouldn't had made since why Evie left the hospital when Vinnie was awake.

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