I will survive

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Sage pov
I licked the condensation off the wall. It was my only means of hydration. I leaned against the wall and sunk down the the floor. I had no idea how long I had been in here. But I knew most of the time was spent thinking about my family. I thought about God, some times I begged him to save me, others I would blame him for putting me in this situation, then I would be on my knees thanking him for the wonderful life he had given me and the people he had put into my life.

I heard movement towards the door. I heard yelling then a gunshot. My heart sunk. I looked up to the heavens and closed my eyes.

"Please Lord, if you let me live I will live my life for you. Just let me get home to my wife, my children and the rest of my family. My parents have lost one child they can't loose me too. Please I can't do that to anyone." I said aloud. I looked back down and rested my head on my knees. "Please Lord." I begged.

The door opened and blinding white light streamed in. I was seized and a black blindfold was placed over my eyes. Two men lead me.

Dimitri pov
I sat in my office, my head in my hands. It had been a week since Sage's capture. An entire week. And it had all came down to what happened two hours ago. Sage was dead. I lifted my head and looked at my advisor.

"Yes sir, they killed him by firing squad." He said.

"They're sent his body to the base. They want to know if they can do an autopsy." He said.

"No, have them sew up the body and send it back here. And we'll identify the body." I said as I rubbed my face.

I dismissed him and leaned back in my chair and looked at the ceiling.

Sage was dead. My little cousin was dead. I closed my eyes for a moment. I couldn't keep this from the family.

I got up and had the entire family and Sage and Diana band mates meet me at Diana's house.

Nikki came up to me in the drive way with Delacey in her arms.

"What's going on?" She asked.

I looked at her.

"What happened?" She asked as she pushed me in between two cars.

"What's wrong?" She asked concerned.

I took off my emotionless mask after I found out the news about Sage.

"It's about Sage." I said. I couldn't look her in the eye.

"Hey come on you two." Dad said.

"Daddy." Mav pointed at me.

"I'm sorry." Nikki mouthed. I kissed her hand and lead her inside.

"Is there any news on Sage?" Vinnie asked as he and Evie sat on the floor of the living room with their children.

Devon came downstairs followed by Diana. She had resorted back to the dark look she had when I first met her. She's even dyed her hair black. I'd noticed it as a sign of morning among her and Sage. They sat on the floor. Melody gave Diana Regina and Pistol and Bandit sat close to their mother. I grabbed a seat and sat forward.

"As most of you know I promised to keep Vinnie, Sage and his friends safe during their deployment. I'm sorry but I've broken that promise." I said.

I took a moment of silent. I remembered the courage my mother had to conjure up when her father died. The composure she had to use when she had to tell us Pop had died.

"Sage's dead." I looked at the family and all their faces read grief.

Diana was staring blankly at the wall. She got up and Regina put down and went upstairs.

A few moments later a tell of rage and agony came from upstairs. Devon went upstairs to check on her.

Devon pov
My heart felt heavy as I climbed the stairs to check on Diana. I went into her room and there was an indention in the wall. I went into the bathroom and she sat on the floor with her knuckles bleeding.

"Di," I walked over and got the first aid kit from under the sink.

"He's gone." She said. I sat down across from her.

"I know. But remember that promise you made him." I said as I cleaned the cuts.

"He made you promise to not hurt yourself." I said as I put gauss on her knuckles. I held it there.

"He meant self harm not punching a wall. He's gone Devon. Sage is gone." She yelled at me.

"They killed him." She sobbed.

"I know. But it's gonna be okay. All those people downstairs love and care about Sage. And they all love you. We're going to help you." I said.

"You and mom are the only blood family I have. Mom has to go back to work at the beginning of the new year. She's going to go back to Phinix. And leave me." Diana sobbed.

I grabbed a box of tissues as wiped here eyes.

"If Sage was here he wouldn't want you crying." I Said.

She got up. "Get out." She pointed towards the door.

Rikki pov
"Get out of my house!" Diana yelled. "Get out of my house." She yelled at Devon as he ran down the steps.

"Everyone out of my house. Take your children and leave. Gerard Please watch my children tonight. I need to be alone." She yelled.

"Diana please let's talk. His family and the kids will leave and the nine of us can just sit and talk." Gerard said.

"Dude she doesn't want to talk. I tried." Devon said.

"Probably because you don't know what she's going through." I said.

"If you can get through to her. Please do." Devon said to me as he picked Bandit up.

"Can someone take my children back to the palace?" I asked as the family started to leave.

"We'll take them." Lucas said.

"Thank you." I said.

Everyone left and Diana came downstairs. She went to the liquor cabinet and poured herself a drink.

"I know why your here." she said.

"Then you'll know I'm trying to help." I said as I walked over and took her drink from her.

"Can we go out back? I need a smoke." Diana asked.

"I didn't see you as a smoker." I said.

"I quit when I started dating Sage." She said.

"Well your not starting up again. Diana please come sit with me." I said as I motioned to the couch.

She put the glass down and let me lead her to the couch. "I know what your feeling." I said.

"Because of Nevaeh." She said.

I nodded. "I've been a widower for over a year and a half. It still hurts. But hey broken hearts hurt. It's hard to take the one you love with every fiber of you and have them leave you. Never to see them physically again. Not till you die yourself. But you can die just yet because you've got four little ones without a mother." I said.

"I just can't stop thinking about him. He was going to come home next week. He was so close to coming home and then he's dead." She sobbed.

Diana and I spent the rest of the night talking. I feel like I helped Diana with her sorrow.

A/n: and here comes the heart break. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Well no not really. 😈

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