Bus ride home

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Dimitri pov
Nikki, Damien and I sat in his cramped apartment. Nikki was asleep on the couch as Damien and I divided the money from today's performance.

"Alright that's all of it." Damien said.

I sat across from him counting up Nikki and I's earn for the day. I did the math in my head adding it to the money we already had.

"I think we have enough money." I smiled.

"Really?" Damien asked.

"yes." I said.

"Do you wanna wake Nikki and we go to the Greyhound station now?" Damien asked.

"No, let her sleep she's exhausted. At this point in her pregnancy she's saving as much energy possible." I said.

"You said you have three kids already?"

"We do, only two are biological." I said.

"But you said this was her fourth pregnancy." Damien said.

"Yes it is, Nikki was a surrogate mother for my cousin and her husband since she couldn't have kids and they wanted biological kids. But it's funny because it turned out she could have kids, but she was on strict bed rest for her entire third trimester." I said.

"So how many kids does she have?"

"Nevy, she and her husband adopted two and had two biological. Nevy died almost a year ago." I said.

"If you don't mind me asking, but if what?"

"Cancer. She's been fighting it for majority of their marriage. But Nevy had been fighting for her life for her entire life. She was born and twenty five weeks, had heart problems her entire life. Had a heart transplant, then the cancer. She actually had what we thought was the last bit removed the day Nikki had our son Mav." I said.

"It's been an honor to help you two these last few days, your Majesty." That caught me off guard.

"It's been a blessing for you to help Nikki and I." I smiled.

"Your welcome, your majesty." Damien said.

"You can call me Dimitri." I said.

Nikki and I stayed till she woke up then Damien walked us to the bus station and I bought the tickets and we boarded the bus after saying goodbye to Damien.

We took our seats and Nikki rested her head on my shoulder.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"I'll be alright." She said. I kissed her head.

Five soldiers got on the bus laughing. Two sat in front of us. Two more across from the ones In front and the fifth sat across from us.

I put my arm around Nikki and I leaned back we were almost home.

There was a movie playing so we watched it. Nikki kept getting up.

"How much longer does she have?" The soldier across from us asked.

"Any day now." I said.

"I assume she's your wife."

"Yes she is." I said.

"I've got a little one at home. I left for Waverley before he was born. I'm happy to go home and meet him." The soldier said.

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