New Waverley Comic Con

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Evie pov
I got a towel and laid it on the couch, my doctor was coming by for my first ultrasound and honestly I was concerned. Vinnie has found some photos of me at fifteen weeks with Haven, Ash, and Finn and we noticed I was bigger than I was with them. Then again this was my fourth pregnancy.

I sat down on the couch and Paint came over and laid his head on my leg.

"Hey boy." I Said as I scratched his head.

Vinnie came down the stairs and smiled at me. He came over and sat with me.

"Are you excited?" Vinnie asked as he put his hand on my stomach.

"I am," I smiled at him. His gaze turn away from me and to Paint.

"Do you think he'll make it to see this baby?" I asked.

"I don't know. The vet said we could put him down now or later." Vinnie Said.

"But there's nothing really wrong with him besides his arthritis. Why would we put him down?" I asked.

"To ease his pain." Vinnie Said. I signed.

"I don't wanna put him down but I don't want him to suffer." I said.

"If He worsens then we'll put him down." Vinnie Said as Paint looked at him with sympathetic eyes. Almost as if he understood what we were saying.

"I don't wanna talk about that." I Said as I wiped away the tears that were rolling down my cheek.

A knock came at the door and Vinnie got up and went to the door. I also got up and Paint followed me.

"Hi please come in." Vinnie Said.

"I'm Vinnie, this is Evie. But you probably already knew that." Vinnie Said as I shook the doctor's hand.

"I'm Dr. Amelia Markson. It's wonderful to meet you two." She Said.

"Well there are only so few trustworthy free lance doctors." I Said.

"Well shall we get started?" She asked as she motioned to the living room.

"Let's," Vinnie Said. I noticed she gave Paint a worried look.

"Is he a pit bull?" She asked as I laid down on the couch. Vinnie brought a chair over for Dr. Markson to sit in.

"He is," I Said as I lifted my shirt.

"He's beautiful, how long have you two had him?" She asked as she put the gel on my stomach.

"Almost twelve years. Does that sound about right." Vinnie asked.

"How ever old Amer is how long we've had him." I Said.

"You have two other children correct?" Dr. Markson asked.

"We do, Finn and Haven. Paint loves them so much and they love him just as much." Vinnie Said.

"He's been sleeping in Haven's bed since we moved her out of a crib." I Said.

Dr. Markson didn't respond she was studying the screen intently.

"Is everything alright?" I asked.

"How do you feel about twins?" She asked.

"Twins?" I asked out of disbelief.

She showed me the screen and there were indeed two babies.

"We're having twins." I Said as she showed Vinnie.

"Your parents are going to freak." He Said.

"So Twins do run in the family." I laughed.

"I think they do." Vinnie asked.

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