Date night

16 0 0

Dimitri pov
I tucked the theater tickets into my pocket. I knocked on the door to Nikki study.

"Come in," she called.

I went in and she had Delacey in her lap.

"Hey you." She smiled at me.

"Hey," I said. "Do you wanna go out tonight?" I asked as I crossed the room to her.

"What were you thinking?" She asked.

"The sequel to the Phantom of the opera, Love never dies." I asked.

"That sounds fun. I don't think either of us have seen it." Nikki said as she got up. I took Delacey from her.

"What time?" She asked.

"The show's at 7, let's grab dinner before so let's leave around 5, 5:30." I said.

"That sounds like fun." Nikki smiled.

I kissed her cheek and gave Delacey a kiss on her head and then gave her back to Nikki.

"I think I need to get ready now." Nikki said as she looked at her watch. It was 4 o'clock.

Nikki pov
I went to my room and told my maids my predicament.

"We have the dress you were going to were for the report tonight ready." Naomi said.

"That'll do." I said as I headed towards the shower.

When I was clean, My maids did my hair and makeup.

Naomi came in with my dress, the bodies and some of the skirt was black but it faded out to blue hues. I was trying something different for tonight.

I sat feeding Delacey while my maids touched up my hair and makeup up

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I sat feeding Delacey while my maids touched up my hair and makeup up.
When she finished I burped her and got her ready for bed.

I took her to the nursery that was connected to my room. Nanny Alison was going to take care of her tonight.

I left her room and Dimitri was waiting for me.

"I have something for you." Dimitri smiled.

He took a long chain out of his pocket and at the end it had the phantom's mask on a charm.

"It's beautiful

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"It's beautiful." I smiled.

"I'm glad you like it." Dimitri put it on me, and he held his arm out for me to take.

We left and we went to dinner. We had an amazing dinner just the two of us. We really got to catch up on everything. Since the war was turning for the worst, I Barely saw Dimitri. And even when he had free time he was studying battle strategies from past wars. Battles that would bring victory for the underdogs in the best ethical way.

When we finished, Dimitri payed the bill and we left.

We went to the Royal Theater. We escorted to the Royal box. And shortly after we took our seats the show started.

Coochie came over to us.

"Can either of you explain what's going on?" He asked.

We explained what had happened and how it tied to the first musical.

The lights flickered signaling it was time almost time for the show to start.


I glanced over at Nikki as Christine was dying in the Phantom's arms. She was crying, and to be honest, I was also a little teary-eyed myself at the marvelous performance.

At the end of the show the actors received a well deserve standing ovation.

Once everyone had cleared out Nikki and I got to go backstage and meet the cast.

They all stood in a line talking to each other. Till they noticed us and stood at attention. Nikki and I walked over to the the Phantom since he was the first in line.

"Good Evening Your Majesties, I hope you enjoyed the show. I'm Ben Lewis." He said as he held his hand out.

I shook his hand. "It was an amazing show. Nikki and I are big Phantom of the Opera fans. So it was such a treat to take tonight off and come see the sequel." I said.

"Well it's an honor to have you come watch our show." Ben said.

"Thank you for having us. You all did a wonderful job."

"When we were in high school our school did The Phantom of the Opera. Dimitri was casted as the phantom. I was Meg Giry." Nikki said.

"And I was Christine." The woman standing next to Ben said.

"Elizabeth?" I asked.

"Ouí monsieur." She smiled.

Nikki gave her a hug. "It's so good to see you again." Nikki said.

When we go through the entire cast Nikki and I left and went back to palace. I stood in the doorway as Nikki checked on Maverick, he'd been really sick lately.

"He's breathing heavily." Nikki said.

She picked him up. I went over to her.

"Hey buddy." I said as I put my hand on his forehead.

"He's still definitely got a fever." I said.

"Let's bring him to your room. I wanna keep him close to us." Nikki said.

"Alright," I took Maverick from her and we went to my room.

Nikki got ready for bed while I got Maverick settled before I got ready for bed myself. Nikki came in and picked Maverick up. She climbed into my bed. She rested his head on her chest. I went over and climbed into bed with her. I took my prosthetics off and she cuddled up to me, yet Maverick laid between us. I kissed Nikki.

"Good night." I said then turned the lamp off.

Zeus jumped up onto the bed and laid down at the end of the bed.

"Good night Dimitri." Nikki yawned.

"Thank you for the date tonight. We both needed it." Nikki said.

"Your welcome." I said as Maverick gripped onto my t shirt.

Nikki and I smiled at him. "I love you." Nikki said then she kissed my cheek.

"I love you too." I said. Then We both drifted off to sleep.

A/n: hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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