The One: Oscars

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-Two years later-

Vinnie helped me out of the limo. I had forgotten how hard it was getting around while pregnant.

Yes, I was pregnant, 8 months to be exact.

"You alright?" Vinnie whispered.

"I'm fine." I said.

We were directed over to a reporter.

"Your Highnesses, it's an honor, how are you doing tonight?" She asked.

"We're doing well," Vinnie said.

"Now both of you are nominated tonight, is that causing any rivalry?"

"If he goes home with an Oscar and I don't, he's sleeping on the couch." I joked.

Vinnie and I had co-directed The One.

Yet we weren't expecting to win an Oscar tonight. The Selection trilogy had't done well in the past at the Oscars. This will be the third time, I have been nominated as best actress as America. The last two years I'd came up short handed.

"How's the baby doing?" The reported asked referring to my big baby bump.

"He's behaving for now." I said as I rested my hand on my stomach.

"and how is Princess Haven taking the idea of being a Big sister?"

"We think she may understand, but we're not really sure." Vinnie said.

"We don't know with her, she's wild and has a big temper." I said.

"Well both her parents are ginger." Vinnie said.

I laughed.

"Well you look amazing tonight." The reported said.

"Thank you," I said

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"Thank you," I said.

"Is it hard dressing for two?"

"I would say so," I said.

"Well I wish you two the best of luck." She said.

We met up with Chris and Josh and posed with them. Everyone kept asking how the baby was.

"And the nominees for best director are: Prince Vincent and Princess Evangeline, Duke and Duchess of Waverley in The One. Carl Calvin in Just One Yesterday. Horus Kane in Egypt, and David Pauls in Grey Eyes." The director who had won last year said.

"And the Oscar goes to, The Duke and Duchess of Waverly."

Vinnie kissed me.

"Go up by yourself." I told Vinnie.

He nodded and got up.

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