Italian spies

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Dimitri pov
I went to find Christiana before Nikki's ultrasound. I looked out the window and saw Nick and Christiana walking outside in the garden.

I found the quickest way to the garden and ran to them. "Christiana!" I yelled as I ran up to them.

"Si?" She asked.

"I don't have long but long but Evie said I should talk to you." I said.

"ah si. I have still been in contact with my family in Italy. They have been telling me about what's been going on over there. It's not good." She said.

"You have brothers correct?" I asked.

"Si. Four brothers and three brother in laws." She said.

"Could they be spies for us?" I asked.

Her emotions chances to concern.

"Ah... I don't know. I could ask. But that's putting their lives on the line." She said as she messed with Nick's hand.

"You don't have to if you don't want to. We understand if you want to keep them safe." Nick said.

"If Nick? If? I definitely want them safe." She said.

"I understand. Nikki has an appointment with Dr. Presley soon. And I promised her I would go to it with her, so I'll let you think about it. And if you want them to leak Intel to us. Then you two will need to come to the war room with us. And we'll plan from their." I said.

"Alright, we'll talk about it." Christiana said.

Bella and Lily ran past me and grabbed Nick's legs.

"Alright Dimitri." Nick said as he picked his girls up.

I went back inside and found Nikki.

"Hey, did you talk with Christiana?"

"I did. She's going to tell me her decision after the ultrasound." I said as Nikki looped her arm in mine.

I put my hand on her stomach.

"I don't think we did a 3D ultrasound with Mav or Levi." I said.

"We should have done one with Mav." She smiled.

"Hey at least now well actually know what gender were having." I said.

Nikki rested her head head on my arm.

We went to the hospital wing and Dr. Presley was waiting for us. "Right on time like always." She said as she looked at her watch.

I smiled.

We went into one of the examination rooms and Dr. Presley and a nurse set up for the ultrasound.

I helped Nikki into the table and then sat in the chair next to the table. Nikki lifted her shirt to expose her stomach. Dr. Presley put the gel on Nikki stomach and then your the wand on her stomach. She moved it around till our baby came into focus.

"There she is." Dr. Presley said.

Nikki and I both had our eyes glued to the monitor. I smiled at my baby. I took Nikki's hand and gave it a kiss.

"And it is a girl. With out a doubt." Dr. Presley said.

"Were having a girl." Nikki said to me.

I stood up and kissed her forehead.

"I love you." I whispered to her.

Dr. Presley's smile dropped. Her face turned to concern.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Nikki I'm going to need you to be in bed rest for a while." Dr. Presley said.

"But I need to be helping Dimitri with the war." Nikki said.

"I can do it on my own. You just need to be focusing on our baby." I said.

"Dimitri I need to be with you," she sighed.

"No you don't. We have an entire team that'll can handle it." I said.

"Are you sure?" She asked.

"I'm sure." I said.

I kissed Nikki's head.

"So don't get up a lot. Only to bathe or use the bathroom." Dr. Presley said.

Nikki nodded as the nurse wiped the gel off of Nikki's stomach.

I helped Nikki up and we went back to her room. She changed into a night gown and climbed into bed. Once I made sure she was settled. I left after giving her a kiss.

I went and found Nick and Christiana. Or rather they had me meet them in a parlor.

I went in, and Christiana had a stack of letters in her hands.

"I've made my decision." She said.

"Alright then. I understand if you don't want to put your family in jeopardy." I said.

"I will write to my brothers. And see if they are willing to risk their lives to help Illea and it's allies Win the war. A few weeks before we fled. My family was over. And we were talking about King Amedeo. None of us like what he was doing. They asked Nick if he could go and talk to him. Nick had planned to do so. Till you called." Christiana said.

"I think either way if we had stayed or I gone to see him, I would be dead. And we both really want to go back to Italy so if by doing this we may be able to get home sooner. Then we'll ask them to do it." Nick said.

"Alright thank you. Christiana write to your family or how ever you have been contacting them. And ask them. We'll probably need to develop a code for them. So they can send incepted messages that won't raise alarms." I said.

She gave me a confused look. So I repeated myself in Italian.

"Ah alright. Once you have the code I'll give them a version." Christiana said.

I thanked te two then left for the War Room.

A/n: shorter chapter than normal but important.

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