Needed support

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Dimitri pov
"Manhattan is in ruins," Evie Said.

I was in the middle of a skype call with my cousins about New Waverley City and the damage that had been brought to it by the war.

"Thousands of people are without homes and food due to the bombing." Vinnie Said.

"And what do you suggest we do?" The representative of Waverley asked.

"I say we need to somehow provide shelter and food for the citizens as we rebuild the city." I said.

"The citizens are living in the subways again. I know we could use the army bases for shelter. There is room, between the soldiers barrack, the infirmary, and where we were keeping refugees. But it's not enough for over a million people. If we could use the Italian soldier's base we could possibly have enough room." Vinnie said.

"I'll talk with the government." Nick said.

"I'm sure they would allow it, since they have abandoned it."

"Let's get permission from them first." I said.

"I'll schedule a meeting right now." Nick said.

"We really need to start importing food and basic groceries back into the city. Most bodegas were raided in the war." Evie Said.

"We can start that," I said.

"Here's a suggestion for a public appearance for the royal family." One of my advisors said.

"What if we set up multiple soup kitchens and then the Royal family flies out and helps serving food."

"That sound great. I've got a few friends who are social workers who organize those they'd of events all the time. I could talk with her about our family serving at soup kitchens in the city." Evie said.

"Let's get started on that now," I said.

"Great. I'll text you updates." Evie said.

Evie pov
I call, Christine and she said she'd be over tomorrow to organize the event. She was really excited about helping out. She wanted to help get our city back on its feet.


Sage pov
Diana and I had flown to New Waverley for the Soup kitchen event that Evie had organized. My stomach didn't feel right. I didn't want to be back this quick.

Diana took my hand and kissed it. "You'll be okay." she said.

I nodded. "Lord please give me the strength to make it through this trip to serve other. This city has terrible memories for myself. Please give me the strength to preserver though my pain." I prayed in my head. Diana gave my hand as squeeze.

We landed at the army base and my stomach was in knots. Evie and Vinnie were waiting on the runway. We went down and created them. Nick and Christiana were the only ones in the family who didn't come. The children obviously didn't come they were too young to come, although Nina did come.

Vinnie and Evie told us about the changes that were being made to base.

"What about once the construction is finished in Manhattan?" I asked.

"What will happen to it?"

"I think it will continue to be used for living. We have strict rules here to keep the residents from breaking rules that are for safety. With people living so close together fights are bound to happen." Vinnie Said.

"So we have to instruct many rules to keep things in order." Evie said.

"You two are doing an amazing job. It's like you're running your own little kingdom." Dimitri said.

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