Wed in Rebel

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You can never really trust people when your in laws when you are royalty. If you care for them, then you would be cautious on who they marry. Unless they've completely blindsided you.

Nikki pov
Dimitri, Levi, and I were going Tammins to go spend the new year with Andy and Geniveave.

When we landed, Andy and Geniveave were waiting for us on the runway. "Nikki!" Andy yelled. He ran over and hugged me. "It's so good to see you." I said as I hugged him. "Why is it every time I see you your pregnant?" Andy asked. "Because she enjoys it." Dimitri said. I proceeded to punch him in the arm. "Alright I will admit I did deserve that." Dimitri said. "Well let's get going, don't want you southerners getting cold." Geniveave said.

We walked over and Dimitri and Andy insistent on loading the car. I opened the back door and Duck jumped in, it took Jupiter some time to get in. I put Levi's car seat in and he climbed in and I buckled him into the seat. Then I got in.

"Mommy, what we doing?" Levi asked as Andy and Dimitri got in.

"We're going to Uncle Andy's house." I said.

"Why?" Levi asked.

"Because we haven't seen Uncle Andy and Aunt Geniveave in a while."
"Yes we have." Levi said.
"When?" I asked.
"Last year," Levi said.
"That was a year ago buddy." Dimitri said.

Duck jumped up into Dimitri's lap. "What am I going to do with you," "Duck!" Levi said as he reached for Duck.
"You can hug Duck when we get home." I said.

We got to Andy's house got out and unpacked. There were local guards that we're going to do hourly street and property patrols.

"Nikki hope you don't mind but we're having mom's pork stew." Andy said.

"Oh wonderful." I said.

I couldn't stand the smell of meat cooking. Any other time when I wasn't pregnant it wasn't a problem.

"We'll go on a walk while you'r cooking, we'll take Levi to the park down the street." Genevieve said.

"That sounds pretty good, Dimitri opinion?" I called.

"Take Duck and Jupiter with you." He called.

"Of course we will." I said.

Dimitri came over and sat next to me. He put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. Levi was playing with some of the toys Andy had for him. Duck was was also being used as a toy. Genevieve was sitting on the floor also playing with Levi.

After a while Genevieve, Levi and I walked to the park. When we got there Genevieve kept up with Levi and Duck, while I sat on a bench, Jupiter at my feet resting his head on my feet.

"Mommy watch me." Levi called.

I looked up from my book. Genevieve spotted Levi as he climbed the rock wall. When Levi reached the top he raised his arms in success.

"Great job baby," I called.

Delilah started violently kicking, I put my book down, and put my hand on my stomach. I hide my pain, I didn't want Genevieve to worry. She looked over at me. I smiled at her. Jupiter knew I was in Pain. He got up and rested his head on my knee and let out a whimper. Delilah calmed down, and I scratched Jupiter's head.

I put my book in my bag and got up, I walked over to where Genevieve and Levi were playing on the monkey-bars. Duck was still with them.

"Mommy!" Levi exclaimed.

He dropped down from the monkey bars and ran over to me.

"Mommy I can do the monkey bars, watch me." He said as he ran over to the monkey bars.

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