8| Strangers to Others & Oneself

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Snapping his eyes open, he slightly winced in pain as he tried to sit up. His tattooed hand gradually inched towards his face before he rubbed his palm on his forehead.


He turned his head around to the origin of the voice and saw a frustrated ravenette who must've been the one who took care of him.

"Please go back to bed" she lowered her voice this time as she inched closer towards him. "I'm no longer in the mood to treat your wounds aga-"

Muttering a curse, she swiftly caught him before he collapsed. An irk mark was visible on her forehead.

"Your wounds aren't fully healed yet" she sighed as she helped him back on the bed. "Lie down please"

That was more of a command than a request, the stranger thought. He mentally cursed the Shichibukai and the Cannibal guy for getting him separated from his crew.

"Where am I?" he asked.

The lady pulled a chair close to her and sat down. "You're here in Rakuen Island and I'm the only one living here, well I have a friend here but he's not... human" She sweatdropped at the moment she spoke about the 'not human' part

"Well at least I have more knowledge that not all men know" another voice interjected.

"Now, now Sage, stop the self-praise" she told a pink creature that flew towards them and dropped by the table close to the bed.

"Since when did rabbits grow feathers?" the stranger cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"I AM NOT A RABBIT!" Sage bit the stranger's finger.

"Sage! Stop that!"


"I am so sorry for that" the lady bowed. "I should've told you before that he doesn't like being called a rabbit. Is it okay now?"

She was referring to the finger Sage bit. The stranger nodded.

"Anyway, I made some warm soup. Can you eat it by yourself? Would you need some help?" she asked as Sage came in while balancing a bowl of soup on his back.

"I can do it myself" the stranger simply replied as she took the bowl off Sage's back and placed it on the table next to the bed.

She turned her heel and gestured at the creature. "Sage, let's give him some peace while he's eating"

She glanced at him and said, "If you need anything, call us. We're just outside"

She nodded at the creature which made it take off as the two of them walked out of the cave. He only removed his gaze from them on the moment they disappeared out of his view.


"I don't like that guy" Sage told Amaryllis.

"You never liked guys on first sight Sage" Amaryllis remarked. "Besides, I don't see anything wrong about him"

"Are you blind or something? Didn't you see those tattoos?" Sage added. "Didn't you see the word DEATH?"

"Cool off, they're just tattoos" Amaryllis tried to calm Sage down.

"I still don't trust him" Sage spoke. "He might attack us the moment we turn our backs"

"Well he's not leaving this island with unhealed wounds and let him sail in the open water with them. Just let them heal and if he's better maybe we can make him leave the island" Amaryllis told the creature.

Sage sighed. "I'm still not convinced"

She irked her eyebrow when she noticed Sage wasn't letting the topic go. "Got any news by the way?"

Sage snapped out of his reverie. "I forgot to tell you. The storm that keeps swirling in the sea is gone so I think we can leave Rakuen Island. You already know that the reason the castaways keep coming was because of that menace"

"Cool!" Amaryllis lit up in excitement.

She laid herself on the soft grass and stared at the sky.

"I wonder what it looks like there..." Amaryllis thought out loud.

Sage didn't answer. He just sat next to her and stared at the sea with an expressionless face.

"Are there any Ferris Wheels there? Amusement parks, perhaps?" Amaryllis bursted out some questions. "Geez, I really wanna ride on those things!"

She glanced at Sage and asked with a worried face, "There are amusement parks out there, are there?"

Sage blinked back to reality and said, "Of course there are amusement parks"

"That's music to my ears" Amaryllis smiled before she looked back at the sky. "I'm going to miss this island..."

"Aye" Sage said. "But this place isn't going anywhere, we can always return"

After a few moments of silence, Amaryllis said. "I've been dreaming on travelling and exploring places just like what dad did. I'd like to write adventure stories and publish them!"

"Oh really? Sure you can do that?" Sage teased.

"Of course I can" Amaryllis pouted.

"Haha! Just kidding" Sage laughed at Amaryllis's expression.

"How dare you doubt me! You'll suffer the consequences once I get you!" Amaryllis jumped up and started chasing Sag who started to fly up into the air.

"Hey! That's cheating!" Amaryllis placed her fists on her hips.

"There aren't any rules" Sage stuck his tongue out.

Amaryllis frowned before she heaved a sigh and decided to use Sky Road and chased after her guardian.

Turn to the right, dive down, turn again to the right, and go towards the left, rise up, what seemed to be an impossible chase ended when Amaryllis finally managed to catch him.

"Ha! Caught you!" Amaryllis cheered herself as she lifted Sage with her hands.

"I only did that because you couldn't catch me" Sage tried to cover his embarrassment.

"Oh really?" Amaryllis mocked. "Anyway, let me just finish our boat and give it to him since you want him gone as soon as possible"

Amaryllis floated down and released Sage. "We can build our boat afterwards and we also need to finish some things before we leave"

"Okay" Sage nodded, signaling Amaryllis that she could already leave.

He stared back at the sea as his eyes drooped with sadness. "Amaryllis, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you more about yourself"

Edited on: 4/25/2016

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