Chapter 42: Doubts & Accusations

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"B-Bepo" I glanced at him and sat up.

"A-Amaryllis-ch-chan!" Bepo frantically waved his hands in front of me. "Please rest! Captain will get mad at me if you do anything reckless!"

“Don’t be ridiculous Bepo” I swayed my hand back and forth. “This is nothing”

“Amaryllis-chan, don’t push yourself too hard” Bepo insisted.

“Come on Bepo!” I placed a hand on his head and ruffled his fur. “Worrying won’t do you any good”


“Bepo, I AM FINE” I emphasized the last three words to reassure him. “If you would like it, I’ll stay here until someone summons me. How does that sound like?”

“Well-“Bepo thought about it for a while then continued. “Okay”

Well I already know that won’t happen. *sigh*

He left the room and it seemed like he talked to Kestrela. Soon enough, I heard some footsteps until it finally faded into silence.

I took a piece of paper and a pen and started writing the riddle. What was it again?

The white demon has been accused

Not even the news is an option to choose

The resting nuisance shall be unleashed, feel its wrath

And then, there comes the destined end to a path


Roses are tainted more than ever

How outstanding to obscure such an error

Yet a flower shall part ways

And say goodbye to the days

I guess that’s all for the riddle. Geez, I’m not up for this kind of stuff right now.

“Is anyone here?”

I snapped out of my thoughts when I realized Kestrela peeked inside the room.

“Kestrela-san, is there something you want?”

I immediately stuffed the paper into my pocket, waiting for an answer.

“Well yeah” she went in and leaned on the wall. “I’m gonna go out for a while”

“Eh?” I tilted my head in confusion. “Shouldn’t you tell this to Captain?”

“Well erm…” Kestrela glanced away. “You know him”

“Ah, I get it!” I spoke up. “I do think you should get some freedom and all so I’ll think of some excuse if he finds out”

“T-Thanks” she smiled. “Well I’ll be going then”

“Okay!” I nodded as she closed the door.

I glanced at the window. My, my, the sun is starting to set. Wait a sec. What was that?

I stood up and pushed the window open. There was some note stuck on the glass as I pulled it off.

To the Captain of Hearts

I wonder who it came from. I flipped it over and saw some symbol on it.

Amaryllis, give your brain a rest. Stop thinking everything’s a mystery for a while.

I guess I have to give this to him.

I wondered around the corridor until I found his room.

“Captain, there’s a letter for you” I knocked at the door. Was he asleep or something?

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