Chapter 4

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This is what I imagine their house to look like.

"Hey, bros, does anyone have Dramamine?" I clutch my stomach another wave of nausea rolling over me.

"Sorry, it takes 30 minutes to work muffin. Are you nauseous?" Jason asks.

"As always." I say putting my head between my legs. I hate motion sickness.

"Don't forget, when we get to the school, your name isn't Cordelia anymore. Got it?" I nodded, groaning out in discomfort.


"We are here." Percy says, getting out of the car. Losing my patience, I groaned pushing against his back.

"Out! Out! Out!" pushing him even more, practically begging him to move. Percy laughed pushing his back against my hands.

"Move you big brute! Do you want me to hit you with my shoe?" He stops his advance, turning to look at me.

"What is with you and shoes?" Percy asks.

"They are adorable for one, and nobody expects them to be a weapon. Also, they are a magical problem solver. They fix my lack of vertical inclination. Must I go on?" I say, resorting to pushing him with my feet. He tumbled out of the car and onto the ground.

"Finally." I huff, climbing out of the car fast. Breathing in the cold air, the waves of sickness came less and less until they were gone. Looking up, I see eyes on all of us.

"Hello." I wave timidly. Snickers resounded from a few sending a blush up my neck.

"What even just happened?" I look up through my eyelashes seeing a very confused Jason.

"He wouldn't let me out of the car." I say in a babyish voice. My voice has always been high, not hurt your ear high, but it's definitely child like. It is pretty handy with prank phone calls.

"Percy?" Edward states, his eyes stern and his shoulders brooding. He waiting for an answer with his hands on his hips.

"What? Why am I getting in trouble? I'm the one on the ground." Percy says with a whine.

I squat down beside him. "Because I am the little sister and when I am nauseous and I want to get out of the car you let me, otherwise, I will personally aim my puke at you." I whisper in his ear.

Straightening my legs, I listened as my  brothers and some of the nearby students snickered. As our father informed us, this school consisted of most of not all werewolves with the pack being nearby. As the school consists of werewolves, we have been listed as the only "human" attendees.
Jason walks around the car and helps a grumbling Percy off the ground. I smirk.

"I will get you back." Percy giving me his best 'I'm going to get you back' stare.

"Hey you can't get me back for anything. This was pay back for when you accidentally, "broke my nose" last year." My arms crossed over my chest as I gave him the stare. A growl rang through the court yard sending a slight chill down my spine. What was that?

"It was an accident! My elbow didn't see you, and neither did I. If anything, it was Ryan's fault!"

"You still broke my nose! Are we gonna have a problem?" My brow rose at him questionably.

"Nope." Percy ruffles my hair then turns around. Smiling at the opportunity, I hop onto his back.

"TO THE OFFICE MY TRUSTY STEED!" I yell putting my left arm in the air like superman. Everyone tries to stifle their laughs, but Jason, Jason is just full out laughing.

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