Chapter 7

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A devious smile grew across my face watching Edward take a step forward to a shocked Katherine.

"Mate," she whispered, her voice light and barely audible. If we weren't supernatural beings, I could've easily missed it. Pushing her forward, she sent a glare that would've sent me six feet under if that was possible.

"What's your name?" Edward reached forward and touched Katherine's cheek. 

"Katherine," she breathed out.

"Katerina," she basically purred at his voice saying her name. I've never wanted to puke and aww at the same time more than I do now. Ugh, this is so sweet I might puke. My lip twitched slightly at the corners, unable to hold back my elation.

"Alright you two, I think it's time for us to have a little talk." Confusion was written across her face making it even more evident about how much we really didn't know each other.

Edward led the three of us to his office to break the news. And hopefully break it softly. The room wasn't huge, but it fit Edwards needs. The walls were painted white and the fireplace was made of marble and carved to perfection. The center of the room held a large, oak, office bureau with gilded details embedded into the wood. Two chairs sat in front of the desk, a small table wedged in between them.

Edward took the seat behind the desk while Katherine and I took the two chair in front.

"Okay, I know you must be confused, and I promise we will explain everything and any questions you might have," my eyes stayed trained on Kat's face worry painting my features. She nodded her head looking into Edwards eyes, trusting him.

"Okay. Here we go, quick and clean. We, our whole family. We aren't human." Her brows furrowed, confusion plastered across her face.
I looked at Edward and pushed myself into his head.

Just tell her.

He glared at me but sighed out all of the frustration melting away.

"We are mermaids, mermen, half fish half human, whatever you wanna call us. And this is a secret that has been kept for centuries. Only Alphas and coven leaders being let in on our secret existence. I'm only telling you this because you are my light. My soulmate, and I'm the heir to the throne."

Silence. Dead silence.

Katherine opened her mouth and then shut it. This cycle continued about 4 times before she stood from her chair and walked out of the room.

Edward and I shared a worried glance before hopping up from our chairs and following her.

"Katherine! Wait!" Edward grabbed her wrist and pulled her to his chest. She fought against his hold on her until falling completely flaccid, seemingly giving up.

"Love, I know this is a lot to take in, but just give me a chance. Give me a chance to love you. Because I can tell you now, you are already everything to me." Her eyes flickered to his, a raw emotion being seen between the two. Wow, and I thought her and Percy were mates. I guess it was just a potential bond.

She pulled away holding Edward at arms length distance her eyes flickering from his eyes to his lips. Oh no, it's time to leave. I quickly ran out and into the living room with a slightly disturbed look on my face.

"What happened and why do you look like that?" I glared at Ryan my hands falling on my hips.

"I almost witnessed a makeout sesh between my very new friend, and my eldest brother." I shuddered, disgust churning in my stomach. Ryan bellowed out a laugh having to hold his stomach.

"Yeah, Yeah, laugh it up. But when I bring my light over and makeout in front of you with him, don't be come crying to me." Ryan's grin just grew, ruffling my hair as he walked out of the room. Goddess I hate him so much sometimes.


I flopped onto my bed a heavy sigh slipping from my lips. Thoughts of Kade slipped in my mind, my arm stinging with fantom pains. Sweet Poseidon, I need to call Dad tonight and talk things over. This whole situation with keeping my true identity a secret is already weighing down on my chest and it's only been a few days.

I rolled over stretching out to grab my phone from its place on the nightstand. The phone rang thrice my fathers face appearing across the screen, a smile on his face.

"Hi honey, how was school?" The smile from my face dropped and the burning sensation in my arm flared up, my expression turning sour.

"Uh, about that, Dad—I have something to ask you," I looked up to the phone my eyes brimming with tears.

"What is it?"

"Dad, I met my light," his eyes lit up, joy shining in his eyes.

"Oh! That's wonderful! Why do you look so solemn? This should be one of the greatest times of your life," he smiled down at me but quickly dropped his happy expression when he looked back at me.

"Dad, I had to lie about him about my identity and what I am, and he was so upset. Dad...please let me tell him. He's my light if anyone should know, he should. He's my other half! I'm worried he'll never talk to me again if I don't." A tear slid down my cheek before I quickly wiped it away, my heart heavy and face distraught.

"I don't know honey, your safety is my top priority," my face fell and then I remembered something Kat told me Saturday.

"Dad he is the Alphas son he would find out on his inauguration anyway," I stressed to him, practically begging. His hand ran through his hair his suit rippling under his biceps.

"Okay, you can tell him. But you will have to Insist on secrecy which I'm sure he'll be willing to oblige considering what you'll become to each other." A grin stretched across my face almost jumping from excitement.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I love you dad! I'll tell him tomorrow and call you after. I love you so much!" He smiled back at me nodding along with me.

"I love you too. I will talk to you then. Bye honey," the phone hung up ending the call. I flopped down onto my bed a happy sigh tumbling from my lips. By the end of tomorrow I will have smoothed things over and this feeling will be gone.


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